Saturday, September 30, 2017

SSR Tsuzuru Backstage Naughty Poodle Translation Part 1/3

Magical Circus Miracle

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Ciel, Manager

Izumi: We just wanted to go shopping for a bit, but to think it would downpour like this…!

Tsuzuru: I can hear thunder too, it's better if we hurry up and go home.

Hm? This is…

Puppy: Kyuu…

Tsuzuru: You, what happened to you? Where is your owner?

Izumi: It doesn’t have a collar… and seems like there isn't someone who looks like its owner around here. What should we do, is it lost?

Tsuzuru: It became pretty wet, and it looks cold… we can't leave it alone like this.

Izumi: Let's take it back with us to the dorms for now.


Tsumugi: Welcome home…. Hm? What's with this little one?

Kazunari: It's a puppy!

Tsuzuru: On our way back from shopping, we found it in the rain. We didn't see someone that looks like its owner around…

Izumi: There there, I'm going to dry you now.

Azuma: Heh… you often pick up animals Tsuzuru.

Muku: That's true. At any rate, I wonder what happened to its owner.

Tsumugi: It doesn't have a collar, so maybe it’s a stray…

Manager: Hmm… it's problematic. It's the dorms of a theater here, as expected it would be difficult to keep a puppy here.

Tsuzuru: I understand the puppy can't always stay here, but maybe it can stay here until we find its owner?

Izumi: I would like to request from you too. Even if we don’t find its previous owner, we will look for a new owner.


Tsuzuru: I'll take responsibility and look after it. Please, Manager!

Manager: …understood. If you go this far Minagi-kun, I can't turn you down.

Manager: Then, until you find its owner.

Tsuzuru: Thank you very much!

Izumi: That's great. Tsuzuru-kun, if something happens do tell me. I'll help too.

Muku: I'll help too! Don't hesitate to ask!

Tsumugi: Yeah, me too. If there's anything I can help with tell me.

Kazunari: I know! In order for us to find the owner, shouldn't we write about this puppy in the Company's site? I'll update it ASAP!

Azuma: It also might be a good idea to make flyers and hand them out together with the ones for the performances.

Tsuzuru: Guys… thank you.

Izumi: Also, when you go to walk it take it to all kind of places.

Izumi: This way many people will see it, and his owner might find it.

You're right.


Puppy: Woof woof.

Tsuzuru: Hmm, we can't quite find your owner. Let's try going until the station today.

Taichi: Eh? Tsuzuru-kun, you're taking the puppy to a walk now? If you are, I want to go with you too!

Kazunari: Sounds nice! I want to upload pics to my instagram, so I'll be coming too~!

Tsuzuru: Sure sure. Then, let's go.


Izumi: Hm? Going to a walk now?

Tsuzuru: Yes. Director you're going shopping?

Kazunari: Director-chan you come with us too till half the way!

Izumi: Right, then I'll tag along.


Tsuzuru: If I remember correctly, the other time we found it around here.

Izumi: Yeah. However, we often come here on our walks, so if its owner was to be here, someone would've noticed…

Kazunari: Hm? Isn't it really lively over there? Are they performing something?

Taichi: You're right! Let's go take a look!


Kazunari: Uwah, I'm getting super excited here! It's a street performance of a circus!

Izumi: Amazing! It's the real thing!

Taichi: Is that an animal circus? There're so many puppies!

Puppy: Woof woof! Woof!

Tsuzuru: Wah, what happened?

Circus member: ….!! Ciel!

Tsuzuru: Eh?

Circus member:
Aa, we've finally found you, Ciel! I'm so happy…!

Can it be, you were a dog of a circus company?

Ciel: Woof!

Circus member: Thank you so much for taking care of Ciel! We're a dog circus company with dogs as our core.

Circus member: The other day we were performing, and when we were cleaning up after, Ciel suddenly disappeared…

Circus member: This boy is full with curiosity and energy to begin with, he always ends up escaping. Of course all the members looked for him, but we couldn't find him.

Circus member: We thought that if we do a street performance Ciel would return, so we've been doing it for several days.

Izumi: So that's what happened! Good for you, Ciel. You found your owner.

Ciel: Woof!

Circus: Seems like you've been treating him well. Excuse me but you are…?

Tsuzuru: Ah, we are-


Circus member: My, to think you were fellow theater people! Comrades who stand on the same stage, what a coincidence.

Kazunari: For real, it's destiny! Circus & Theater!

Circus member: That's right, as a show of gratitude for you taking care of Ciel, if you're interested, would you like to try and perform in our circus?

Izumi: Eh? In your circus?!

Circus member: Yes, we plan to stay in the city for some more, and I feel some kind of a link between us. If you're interested then by all means!

Tsuzuru: A circus…!? No, we're amateurs, a circus is--.

Kazunari: Seriously!? Man, sounds super fun! I so want to do it!

Taichi: Is that alright!? I have no experience with circuses, but it sounds really interesting~!

Izumi: A circus huh… it might be a chance to get people to know about our Company…

Izumi: Yeah, it's an opportunity, so let us perform to our ability range!

Tsuzuru: E-Eeh!? Are you serious!?

Circus member: As a collaboration between a circus and a theater, it would be good to go for a show different than usual!

Izumi: Sounds good! Then I'll let everyone know, and make preparations--.

Tsuzuru: D-Director, are we really doing it?

Kazunari: Eh~ Tsuzurun, I don't really feel good vibes from you?

Tsuzuru: No, I mean something like a circus show, I've really never done it before…

Ciel: Woof, woof.

Taichi: Ciel, he's really snuggling up to Tsuzuru-kun!

Circus member: Haha, looks like Ciel also wishes to appear in the circus with you.

Tsuzuru: Ciel…

Tsuzuru: Yeah, I don't have confidence at all but… right, I guess that's studying too.

Tsuzuru: Understood, I'll give it a try!

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