Saturday, September 30, 2017

R Juza Backstage Actor's Cafe OPEN Translation Part 1/2

Actor's Cafe  Butler Part

Part 1 / Part 2 

Characters appearing: 

Tsumugi: Well then, all the members are here, so I want to start the leaders meeting.

Banri: if I remember correctly, Director-chan has something to tell us?

Izumi: Yeah. The truth is there's something I want to request… First of all, this.

Tenma: A paper bag… somehow I have a déjà vu…

Sakuya: Wah! It's the Actor's Cafe apron!

Izumi: Just like before, they want you to act a scene for the special meal of the day and serve the customers.

Izumi: Seems like last time it was really popular, so the owner asked directly for help.

Sakuya: If that’s the case then I want to do it again! Acting as a character with 8th grade syndrome was very fun!

Tenma: Haa!? I'm definitely not going to do that! After the last time, I've been made fun of plenty with prince jokes!

Banri: Same. I don't wanna go through that again. Part of the time I was there I got scolded for getting carried away with acting as a childhood friend.

Tsumugi: If possible then I too, this time it's a little… I still have a trauma, from acting a younger brother character the other time…

Tenma: 1 agrees, 3 disagree. Cancelation is as well as decided.

Izumi: Please consider it…! Think of it as a chance to raise our popularity!

Tsumugi: ….then, how about each Troupe recommends a representative?

Sakuya: I see! Good idea!

Tenma: Well, we aren't the only actors here, it's just reasonable.

Banri: If the result is that I don't have to do it I have no problem.

Izumi: Thank you guys! Then, discuss with your Troupe who is going to represent you.


Izumi: Ye~s.

Juza: …it's me.

Izumi: Juza-kun, what happened in this late hour?

Juza: I want to know more about the role for the Actor's Café. If possible I want to start practicing.

Izumi: I see, so it was decided that Juza will represent the Autumn Troupe.

Juza: Huh…? It wasn't Director who made the nomination?

Izumi: I didn't really say anything…

Juza: Tch, that Settsu, saying careless things…

Izumi: (Banri-kun, he probably tricked Juza-kun into doing it)

Izumi: Well, no matter what the starting cue was, it will surely become a good experience.

Juza: …yes.

Izumi: And then, about the role… Juza-kun will be becoming a butler!

Juza: A butler…?

Izumi: What do you think?

Juza: No, it's like I can't really imagine me as a butler…

Izumi: I see. Juza-kun you have height and you're cool so I think it would fit you.

Juza: But, I can't even use Keigo* properly, and I know nothing about courtesy.

Juza: For someone like me to function properly as a butler--.

Izumi: If it's something like that it'll be fine! Since we have a great teacher just for that.

Izumi: Let's go training right away!


Translation note:
*Keigo - A very polite Japanese. It's hard to translate the small nuances into English since it doesn't have a real equivalent, but I'll do my best!

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