Thursday, September 28, 2017

R Juza Backstage How Wonderfully Picaresque Translation Part 1/2

Afterschool Escape 

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

 Others: O High students 


Izumi: Eh? It's Juza-kun. Is he on his way back from school?

Juza: …tch.

Izumi: (Somehow, he doesn't seem in a good mood…?)

Izumi: Juza-kun!

Juza: --!? Wait, it's you Director…

Izumi: You don't have to turn around so forcefully...

Juza: ….over here.

Izumi: Eh?

Juza: Just come.

Izumi: Wai- Juza-kun!?

Juza: --


Juza: …this far should be alright.

Izumi: I-I'm so worn out…! Pulling my hand suddenly and then dashing…

Juza: My bad. There's something going on for me right now…

??: Eh~ he isn't here.

Juza: --!

Izumi: Hm? These kids, they have the same uniforms as Juza-kun don't the-.

Juza: …stay quiet.

High Schooler A: I was sure he came here~.

High Schooler B: That guy was surely Hyodo Juza right?

Izumi: They're not your friends?

Juza: No… They've been tailing me for a while now. When this happens this is mostly the pattern where they look to pick a fight.

Izumi: A fight!? You can't fight okay!?

Juza: I know. That's why, I'm trying to lose them.

Juza: If I cause an incident that involves violence, I would trouble the theatre too right.

Izumi: …Juza-kun, so you thought about the theatre.

Juza: --Since if the theatre disappears, I would be troubled too.

Juza: For now, seems like it's the best to lay quiet here until the go away.

High Schooler A: Damn it… Where did he go to.

High Schooler B: He must be around here somewhere.

…they don’t show signs of retreat just yet.

Juza: Tch… how persistent.

Taichi: Eh? If it isn't Director-sensei and Juza-san!

Juza: !?

Izumi: Taichi-kun!?

Taichi: What are you doing in such a place?

High Schooler A: Oi, did you hear a voice from over there just now?

Juza: --!

Izumi: (This is no good, they're going to find us--!)

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