Thursday, September 28, 2017

R Juza Backstage Strawberry-Flavored Temptation Part 2/2

1/2 Strawberry Milk

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Fu… that was a good bath~.

Izumi: (Come to think of it, Juza talked about strawberry milk right. Maybe I'll go drink something too.)


Izumi: Let's see… eh, there's only 1 strawberry milk left.

Izumi: Lucky me. Then, I'll take it back to my room and…

Juza: …..

Izumi: (Juza-kun? I wonder what happened, where is he going to).

Izumi: (But the shop is closed already, and there aren't any stores around here… Or rather, he's looking around restlessly it's a little suspicious…)

Izumi: (Hmm, it is really like a teacher on a school trip, but it's better if I try calling out to him)

Izumi: Juza-kun.

Juza: -! D-Director.

Izumi: Are you going somewhere?

Juza: No, err…. It's nothing big really.

Izumi: ?

Juza: …strawberry milk, I wanted to drink another bottle.

Izumi: Strawberry milk…?

Izumi: Pff…. Ahaha!

Juza: Wha-!?

Izumi: My bad!

Izumi: It's because I didn't think strawberry milk was your reason. It's so like you Juza-kun.

Izumi: But you don't have to be so secretive about it.

Juza: …I, have already drunk one, so I feel bad somehow.

Izumi: You don't have to worry about tha— ah-.

Izumi: Right, sorry Juza-kun. This one was the last strawberry milk.

Juza: Eh-.

Izumi: It's alright, since you came just for drinking it, you can have it Juza-kun.

Juza: No, it's okay. I drank one so Director you drink it.

Izumi: You came from your room especially for that right? I can drink tea or something else.

Juza: It's fine. That's yours Director.

Izumi: Jeez, how stubborn. Then, let's split it between us. Is that okay?

Juza: …if Director is okay with it.

Izumi: Of course.

Izumi: ….yup, it's good! As I thought drinking it after taking a bath is something else.

Izumi: --here, take the other half.

Juza: ….!

Izumi: ? You don’t have to hold back.

Juza: ….'lright.

Juza: --it's good. Thanks, Director.

Izumi: You're welcome.

Juza: Then, I'm going to sleep. G'night.

Izumi: Yeah. …ah, Juza-kun, your mouth--.

Izumi: (He left, without noticing it…)


Tasuku: Ah, there you are. Where did you go to.

Tasuku: You disappeared suddenly, so I came looking for--.

Tasuku: !

Juza: S-Sorry. I, I went to feel the night breeze…

Tasuku: …you have some around your mouth, some strawberry milk.

Juza: ….!!

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