Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SSR Omi Backstage Picture Perfect Translation Part 2/3


Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

 Characters appearing:

Others: Wolf, Zero, John.

Wolf: Until where are you planning on following me.

Omi: You're the one who restrained me though. Well, I don't have anywhere else to go. Don't mind it.

Zero: Wolf!

Wolf: Zero. I told you not to walk outside alone. What's with that guy—

Taichi: Omi-kun!

Omi: Taichi!?

Taichi: Uwaan, I'm so happy. I was so hopeless alone! What is it here!?

Omi: No, I don't know either but… isn't it a dream?

Taichi: It's way too realistic for a dream!

Omi: Well, that's for sure. Anyway I didn't think Taichi would appear here too.

Zero: Is he your friend? Good thing you were able to meet him.

Taichi: Ah, Zero-chan, thanks!

Zero: This kid, he says his name is Taichi. I picked him near our hideout.

Wolf: Don't go picking up weird things.

Zero: Looking at Wolf and Omi-kun standing next to each other feels so weird~

Omi: If you say that, the same goes to you and Zero doesn't it.

Taichi: Point.

Zero: More like, we look exactly alike. What’s up with that?

Wolf: You're really not related to the laboratory?

Omi: We are not.

Wolf: In any case, if we're together with you we will stand out. Go away.

Taichi: Eeh!? That's so cold.

Zero: Isn't it okay even if we're together?

Wolf: Don't joke with me.

Omi: I think we have no time to argue.

Wolf: ---tch. Let's move, Zero.

Zero: Yeah.

Omi: Taichi, let's hurry up.

Taichi: Okay!


Wolf: Like I said, how long are you planning on following us.

Omi: I told you right. We don’t have anywhere else to go.

Wolf: Don't get in our way.

Taichi: Somehow, he really feels like "Wolf"~

Omi: Because he is "Wolf".

Wolf: What are you talking about.

Omi: Don't mind us. It's just between us.

Wolf: .....


Zero: Zzz, zzz...

Taichi: mumbles… Yuki-chan, stop stabbing me with that needle~…

Wolf: .....

Omi: If we're going to watch-keep, let's switch.

Wolf: I don't need your worrying about it.

Omi: You don't know when you're going to get stabbed in your sleep, or something like that?

Wolf: ….you get it well don’t you.

Omi: We are not your enemy.

Wolf: Hm, I wonder about that.

Omi: Well, asking you to believe us is impossible huh. You've been living alone all this time after all.

Wolf: Don't talk as if you know anything.

Omi: Aah, my bad. But, no matter what I can't think of you as a stranger.

Omi: Me and you, it's not just our face that is the same but the inside too. That’s what I thought, when I got to know you for the first time.

Omi: However, you were living all by yourself, and I had a best friend and comrades. That was the only difference.

Omi: Performing as you-—no, looking at you, I've always been thinking how nice it would be if you just had comrades.

Omi: It's a weird relationship, but being able to travel together like this, makes me a little happy.

Wolf: ...what a weird guy.

Omi: You are right. If I was in your position, I would've thought the same.

Wolf: .....


Wolf: --wake up.

Omi: Hm....?

Wolf: We've been surrounded.

Omi: --.Taichi, wake up!

Taichi: Uha!?

Zero: ...what is it?

John: Hand Zero over obediently.

Omi: You hired more people...

Taichi: W-W-W-What should we do!?

Omi: Estimating roughly, there are about 15 people….

Wolf: 16.

Omi: Either way this is harsh.

Wolf: You, take Zero and escape.

Omi: What are you planning to do Wolf?

Wolf: I'll catch up with you later.

Omi: --.

Zero: You can't!

Taichi: Right! Staying here alone, you'll die!

Wolf: Shut up. We don't have time to argue.

Omi: it.

Taichi: Omi-kun, are you serious!?

Wolf: When I give the signal, start the bike.

Omi: --.

Wolf: Go!

Zero: Wolf!

Taichi: Omi-kun, Wolf is--!

Omi: It's okay, so let's do as he says for now.

Zero: ---.

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