Thursday, September 28, 2017

R Juza Backstage Strawberry-Flavored Temptation Part 1/2

1/2 Strawberry Milk

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Taichi: Ahh-!! It's finally over!

Banri: Huh, so tired.

Omi: As I thought the audience has a different aura, so it's harder than usual. There're many things to learn from that though.

Sakyo: Naturally. If it wasn't harder the practice would've been meaningless.

Izumi: Guys, good job. Go take your time and rest in the hot springs okay.

Azuma: When soaking in the hot springs the skin becomes smooth too after all.

Azuma: Director, your skin seems to be in a good condition.

Izumi: Eh, is that so?

Tsumugi: As expected from Azuma-san, you're really observant.

Taichi: A smooth skin is important for guys too right!? Alright, let's go to the hot spring!

Tasuku: So we're all going to enter together again… it's too small.

Tsumugi: There there, it's fine. This too is part of going to a training camp.

Homare: I want to wash my sweat too already, so let's head there quickly.

Juza: ….

Sakyo: Hyodo?

Izumi: Juza-kun, what happened…?

Juza: Eh? Ah, no.

Juza: I was trying to decide between drinking strawberry milk or fruits milk today.

Banri: Again thinking about sweets.

Sakyo: Such worthless worries. If we're going to go then let's do it already.

Omi: Hisoka-san, let's go.

Hisoka: Zzz… coffee milk…

Izumi: Ahaha, have a nice time.

Izumi: --Yes, then this is the schedule for tomorrow.

Hostess: Thank you very much. Well then, if you would excuse me.

Izumi: Yes, good night.

Izumi: …woah, it's already this late! I have to take a bath before the bath closes.


Izumi: (There're still lively voices coming from the boys' room. They're being noisy, looks like so much fun.)

Izumi: Looks like the practice is tough for them, but I'm happy we came to the training camp.


Izumi: Guys, looks like you're having fun, but we have practice tomorrow too, so hurry up and go to bed.

Taichi: Ah, Director-sensei!

Azuma: Fufu, yee~s. We'll go to bed soon.

Banri: Director-chan, are you the teacher in charge of us.

Omi: Haha, true. You have this feel like you came to check on the room of some high schoolers.

Taichi: So we have 1 more teacher!

Tsumugi: Can it be the other teacher is Sakyo-san?

Sakyo: Who are you calling a teacher, good grief. We're going to bed. Director you too, go to sleep.

Izumi: Oka~y. Good night.

Homare: Good night, Director-kun.

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