Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SR Omi Backstage Surprise Broccoli Translation Part 1/2

Sharing Happiness

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

*Others: bride, groom

Izumi: Wah, what a beautiful garden…

Izumi: (to be able to hold wedding reception in a place like this, this girl must be happy…)

Omi: Okay then I'm going to take the photo. Here, cheese!

Izumi: ….eh?! O-Omi-kun….!?

Omi: Hmm…? Is that you director?

Izumi: I knew it! Why are you here Omi-kun!?

Omi: I was asked by my Senpai from the photography club to work as a cameraman for this ceremony hall. What about you Director?

Izumi: I was invited to a friend's reception….

Omi: I see. So that's why you feel different from usual. Yup. It looks good on you. You're beautiful.

Izumi: Fufu, thank you.

Announcer: We will start the reception shortly. Those attending, please take your seats.

Izumi: Ah, it's time already. Then, I'll be going to my seat.

Omi: Yeah. See you again later.


Izumi: (In any case, I didn’t think I would meet Omi-kun in this kind of place….)

Male Guest: YO! YO! Young lady over there YO! If you would like, can I exchange LIME address with YOU YO?

Izumi: Eh? Err, I'm sorry. Doing it with a person I've just met is a little…

Male Guest: It's fine YO! It's not a big deal you KNOW?

Izumi: (H-He's so persistent. And this tension of his is a mystery… what to do…)

Omi: ….excuse me! I'm going to take a group picture now so please line u~p.

Izumi: Ah…! Y-Yes! I'll be there right away!

Male Guest: Aa-.... tch.

Izumi: (I'm saved! Thank you, Omi-kun…!)


Omi: I'm going to take it now-. Okay, cheese!

Omi: Thank you very much--

Izumi: Say, Omi-kun. You calling for me earlier was…

Omi: Aah, because it looked like you were troubled… can it be I was interfering?

Izumi: Not at all! Thanks to you I was saved. Thank you, Omi-kun.

Omi: I see. That's good then.

Announcer: Next we will hold the bouquet toss. All those attending are asked to move to the stage.

Izumi: Ah, a bouquet toss! For the sake of my future, I have to get it!

Omi: Haha, you're motivated huh. Do your best, Director.


Izumi: The bouquet, I couldn't get it. More like, it didn't even fall close to me…

Omi: There there. It was a fierce battle after all. You'll get your chance again soon.

Announcer: Next, the broccoli bouquet toss from the groom.

Groom: Then, here I go! .…go!

Izumi: (Aa, the broccoli bouquet is heading here…!)

Omi: --Uwah!? Oops…!

Izumi: Woah, Omi-kun, nice catch!

Omi: No no, the cameraman taking it is bad isn’t it. Excuse me! Please redo it!

Bride: Fufu, it's fine. You take it!

Omi: No, that would make me feel bad…!

Groom: She's right. This too might be fate!

Omi: Is that really alright?

Bride: Of course!

Omi: Then, thank you very much… As you wish. I'll accept it.

Izumi: Fufu. Congratulations, Omi-kun!

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