Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SR Omi Backstage Premonition of Blooming Translation Part 1/2

The Stray Cat's Oracle

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Well then, we'll be going to hand out flyers.

Omi: When Hisoka-san and Azuma-san wake up, tell them lunch is in the refrigerator.

Taichi: Roger~! Have a safe trip!

Omi: We're off.


Omi: Director, do you have any left?

Izumi: No, I'm done handing out mine too.

Omi: They all ran out faster than I thought.

Izumi: Right, we should've brought more.

Izumi: Then, I'm going to drop by the super before I head back home so, Omi-kun you--.

Omi: Yeah, I'll go along with you. I have nothing to do anyway.

Izumi: Really? Thank you… wait, ah-

Omi: Hm? What's wrong?

Izumi: Now that I think of it, I forgot my cell phone in the theatre yesterday. I have to go and take it--.

Omi: I'll go too. It'll be dark soon, I can't let Director go alone.

Izumi: Hmm… then I'll take you up on that.

Omi: Alright, then let's go.


Izumi: Ah, Pochi. Hm? Or was it Fuji-san?

Omi: This cat, it has a name?

Izumi: Yeah. It hangs in the shopping district, and seems like Sakuya-kun and Misumi-kun love it.

Omi: Heh, it is indeed a cute cat.

Izumi: Ah, you can't go there!

Omi: Let's follow it.


Izumi: Where did it go to….

Izumi: Ah! Isn't it over there!?

Omi: Yeah, it's on the stage.


Izumi: Aa-, the props are over there--!

Omi: [crash]….they got it.

Izumi: I hope it's not hurt…!

Omi: Let's go, to the dressing room.


Omi: Director, close the door so that the cat won't run away.

Izumi: Got it!

Omi: Alright, you can't run anymore. 

Omi: Haha, it's alright, you don't have to sound so scared. Here, come closer.

Izumi: ….Ah, it came over to you. How honest.

Omi: So cute.

Izumi: Looks like it feels good, being patted by Omi-kun.

Omi: Oi Pochi. You can't you know? Acting naughty like this.

Izumi: (What a kind voice…) 

Izumi: Pochi, I'm happy you didn't get hurt.

Omi: Next time we have to open the door carefully, so it won't get in the through the opening.

Izumi: But in any case, it's so fluffy…!

Omi: Looks like it feels good being patted by Director. Here, it looks like it's about to fall asleep.

Izumi: It might have gotten tired, after it ran so much in an unfamiliar place.

Omi: Let's let him outside quickly.

Izumi: You're right, we have to go shopping too--.

Izumi: Hmm?

Omi: What happened?

Izumi: The door won't open…

Omi: Eh?

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