Sunday, October 1, 2017

R Juza Backstage Actor's Cafe OPEN Translation Part 2/2

Actor's Cafe  Butler Part

Part 1 / Part 2 

Characters appearing: 

Tasuku: Straighten your spine and pull out your chin. Put your left hand on your stomach, and turn your right hand behind.

Juza: 'kay.

Tasuku: Now say… "Welcome back, princess".

Juza: ….welcome back, princess.

Tasuku: Don’t use your threatening voice. One more time with a smile.

Izumi: (As I thought Tasuku-san's lessons, are strict…)

Izumi: Do your best, Juza-kun!

Juza: Yeah, I'll put an effort.

Tasuku: It's "I'll make an attempt".

Juza: …I'll make an attempt.

Hah, Hyodo as a butler can't be real.

Juza: …Settsu. What did you come here for?

Banri: I came to see how you're doing. Since I'm already here, want to try it with me as a customer?

Juza: No need.

Tasuku: No, if you have a partner it'll be easier to get accustomed to it.

Izumi: That's right, it's a chance so let's get Banri to help.

Juza: …if Director and Tasuku-san say so.

Tasuku: Alright, then let's try it.

Banri: Here we go.

Banri: Oi, the butler over there.

Juza: Have you requested me, young master?

Banri: I'm thirsty. Make me a tea.

Juza: ….

Banri: What's with this attitude? I'm a customer, and in this setting I'm the master.

Juza: ….understood. I'll prepare the tea right away.

Banri: Exactly, and also--.

Banri: Wait, aah-!

Banri: You're pouring it too much from such a high place! It completely spilled on my hand!

Tasuku: Hyodo, when you pour tea, make sure to start from a lower point then lift it.

Juza: Like this?

Banri: Aa-! You bastard, you're doing it on purpose right!?

Tasuku: Settsu, sit down. We're going to do it until it's successful. I'll have you keeping us company to the end tonight.

Juza: Should I do it again from the beginning?

Banri: Huh!?


Omi: --and then, in the end you stayed with them until the morning.

Banri: Yeah. I don't want to see tea ever again.

Sakyo: How were the results of the training?

Taichi: Well, if they were at it until the morning, perfect right?

Banri: Not sure about that. That guy, around now he's probably…

Omi: Oh, speaking of the devil…

Female customer A: Kya!

Juza: That was close….! …are you, hurt, princess.

Female customer A: I-I'm sorry!

Juza: Be careful… lease.

Female customer A: Eh? A lease…?

Juza: Ah, no, that's not it. Um… be careful, please.

Female customer A: Y-Yes…!

Female customer B: Isn't an awkward butler pretty good!? Ah~ I want to be embraced too!

Female customer C: His looks that contrasts with his awkwardness… so cute~!

Omi: …somehow it looks like he's popular.

Taichi: Juza-san is seriously so cool!

Sakyo: It's much better than that host-like acting of yours.

Banri: --I can't agree with this.

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