Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 3/11

Part 1Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4Part 5 / Part 6

Characters appearing:

Sakyo: In order to raise our theater's popularity, like last time, this time too everyone will be participating.

Banri: Geh, again…

Tasuku: Basically as was explained earlier, we will be carrying out street acts in pairs.

Tasuku: However, in cases where your territory overlaps with others', and in cases where someone challenges you, it will become an etude battle.

Tasuku: In those cases, there's a rule that says you can take all of your opponent's candies.

Sakuya: So that means that even if we worked hard and collected candies, all of them will be stolen if we lose an etude battle…?

Tasuku: That's what it means. And in the end the pair who possesses the most candies wins.

Juza: Taking all the candies…

Banri: Oi, in the end the match is about the amount of candies. Don't even think about eating them.

Juza: ….I know.

Sakyo: That's it for the explanation. Now we will decide on the pairings.

Citron: Are we doing it with Sakyo's handmade lottery this time too?

Kazunari: Wrong! This time I prepared those~!

Citron: Oh? Are those, cards?

Kazunari: Yeees! Hearts and clubs numbers 1 to 10. Here, Ronron Imma leaving the shuffling to you!

Citron: Leave it to me! I, have practiced card shuffling~! Woosh woosh-!

Kazunari: Thanks~! Now, everyone takes one card each, and those who pulled the same number will form a pair!

Sakyo: I see, cards are an easy to understand method.

Yuki: As expected from our mixers man. You’re well informed about ways to decide on pairs.

Kazunari: Then, everyone pull your cards~ ♪


Izumi: Then, with this the pairs are decided.

Omi: Nice working with you, Tsuzuru.

Tsuzuru: Yes. With Fushimi-san as my partner, I somehow feel at ease.

Azuma: Fufu, it's the first time I'm pairing with Kazu like this.

Kazunari: Righty! Azu, take care of me piko ★

Juza: Hisoka-san, I'll be in you care.

Hisoka: I'll try my best.

Itaru: So we have the sweet tooth pair here.

Sakuya: Ah, I'm with Tenma-kun!

Tenma: Sakuya huh. Let's show everyone else our true strength as a leaders pair.

My partner is…

Taichi: --!

Tasuku: ?

Taichi: T-Tasuku-san, I'll be in your care!

Tasuku: ….yeah.

Banri: Ex-GODza pair huh.

Izumi: You're right, what a coincidence.

Sakyo: We'll take requests from each and everyone about the costumes you wish for. By the way it's planned that Rurikawa will make all 20 costumes.

Muku: Eh!?

Taichi: Yuki-chan, you're going to make 20 costumes!?

Yuki: Well, this kinda thing makes me fired up once in a while. But, even if you ask for a weird costume I'm not going to make it okay.

Sakuya: As expected from Yuki-kun…! Amazing!

Omi: I'll help too. Ask me anything.

Taichi: Use me to your liking too!

Muku: M-Me too, if there's something I can help with tell me!

Yuki: Thanks. Recently I have more guys to use as my assistants after all.

Yuki: I'll make costumes that especially stand out even in Halloween. Wait for it.

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