Friday, October 20, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 8/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

It's finally the day of the contest!

Kazunari: Woah~! It's filled with actors wearing costumes! Hyper miracle good vibes!

Omi: It has a different aura from the usual Veludo Way.

Izumi: If we're talking about aura, you all have a different one too. The costumes really fit you!

Taichi: Hehe, is that so? Director-sensei's costume is super cute too!

Kazunari: True that! Of course we're going to do our best with acting, but let's take tons of pics too!

Tsuzuru: Looks like Miyoshi-san's instagram is going to be something else today.


Tasuku: That’s the special Halloween stage. It's the main venue for this event.

Azuma: Heh, it's pretty big.

The winners can perform on this stage. This place is full with excitement, and many people gather here too.


Then, from here on we're going to move in pairs right.

Izumi: That's right! I'll also patrol while checking out how everyone is doing.

Kazunari: 'Kay! Let's gather tooons of candies and enjoy this event!

Taichi: Yeaah!

Let's do our best.

Azuma: Then see you later.


Kazunari: "Roooar! It's best you prepare yourself, I'm going to eat you!"

Azuma: "My, what a cute puppy we have here"

Kazunari: "A cute puppy you said? Seems like something is wrong with your eyes. Can’t you see these sharp fangs and sharp claws?"

Azuma: "Don't make such a scary face. Here, listen to the whisper of this demon"

Azuma: "Don't you actually want to be loved…? Here, come to me. I'll pat you"

Kazunari: "Ah… right, the truth is I like playing with a ball and eating sweets… patting…"

Azuma: "Fufu, there there, you're a good boy"

Kazunari: "Woof ♪"

Kazunari: "….huh!? J-Just now what did I…!?"

Spectator A: Ahaha! The werewolf is so cute!

Spectator B: That person dressed as a demon, is so sexy!

Kazunari: Thanks-! Trick or treat ♪

Spectator B: Kyaa! Here, have some candies!

Spectator A: I'm cheering for you!

Azuma: Fufu, thank you.

Kazunari: Please watch us Mankai Company!


Taichi: "Here we go!"

Tasuku: "Right, leave it to me!"

Spectator: So cool!

Taichi: Thank you!

Tasuku: Looks like we're making some good numbers.


Omi: Thank you very much.

Spectator C: Both of your acting as mummies, was very good~!

Spectator D: The costumes look good on you too. Please accept my candies!

Thank you very much!

Omi: It's good they're happy with our performance.

Tsuzuru: Right. I'm a little relieved. At any case there're really many spectators and actors.

Omi: You said it. Should we try going there next?

???: Just a second, the mummies over there!

Omi: Hm?

Tsuzuru: Are you talking about us?

Theatre member: That's right! You got lots of candies there! It's a chance! We will be taking those candies!

Puck: I'm Wanda Puck from Team Wanpaku! It's a challenge to an etude battle putting our candies on the line!!

Next chapter >>

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