Friday, October 27, 2017

SSR Juza Backstage Mankai Birthday Translation Part 1/3

Chinatown Memory

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Izumi: Let's see, we have practice tomorrow after the meeting so--.

Izumi: (…eh. Thinking of which, it's Juza-kun's birthday soon)

Izumi: I have to think about a present for him soon…

Izumi: (As I thought, would sweets be good for Juza-kun?)


Izumi: (In the end the day of his birthday has come… I can’t think of a present…)

Izumi: Yeah, I wonder if sweets are good after all.


Taichi: Aah, Ban-chan! Your decorating is sloppy~!

Izumi: Hm?

For something we're gonna give Hyodo it's fine to do it unseriously.

Taichi: You can't! We're going to do a decorating that won't lose to the showiness of the sweets!

Is that right for the cream?

Omi: Hmm… it still looks soft. You have to mix it a bit more.

Izumi: Hm? You're all making sweets?

Taichi: Yes! It's a sweets tower, a present for Juza-san!

Izumi: Macaroons and, cookies, chocolate, even mini cakes…! There're so many.

Sakyo: It was tough to get a hand on them too.

Banri: More like, why do I have to do something like this for Hyodo.

Taichi: It's fine isn't it! It's the once in a year birthday after all!

Omi: I'm going to leave the decoration of the top to you Banri.

Banri: Huh?

Taichi: Put into it your gratitude for Juza-san!

Sakyo: If you tear it down I won't show any mercy.

Izumi: Do your best, Banri-kun!

Banri: I don't get y'all!

Taichi: Ah! Right! There's something I want to ask from you Director-sensei--.



Juza-kun, hurry up!

Juza: …oi, where're we going.

Izumi: You'll get it if you come. Ah, we'll be there soon.



Juza: !?

Taichi: Juza-san, happy birthday!

Omi: Happy birthday, Juza.

Juza: Birthday…

Congratulations, Juza-kun!

Sakyo: You're one year older now. Act accordingly.

Juza: …thanks.


Taichi: Here, Ban-chan you too!

Banri: Tch.

Banri: Just so ya know, I still don't feel like losing to you.

Juza: Hmph, bring it on.

Taichi: Alriiight! Then, just when the mood became all nice!

Taichi: Tadaa! Have a look at this perfectly decorated garden table!

Taichi: For Juza-san, a special sweets present!


Izumi: All the Autumn Troupe members, prepared it for Juza-kun. I only helped with calling you here.

Taichi: By the way, the one who decorated the top is Ban-chan! It's filled with his gratitude for you!

Banri: I only did it since you were too fussy I didn't have a choice.

Omi: It's a sweets tower, filled with all of Juza's favorites.

Sakyo: Eat and enjoy it.

Juza: …'kay.

Banri: Oi, don't take your sweet time and eat it already. I'm getting heartburn just from looking at it.

Omi: There's lots of cream too. If you want second helping do tell.

Juza: …yeah. I'll eat then.


Izumi: (Juza-kun and the guys from Autumn Troupe, it's a good thing they seemed to have fun)


Izumi: (A present… I thought about going with something sweet but if I go with that it'll be similar to what Autumn Troupe members did)

Izumi: Hmm, what should I do…

Izumi: Hm?

Izumi: This flyer, was it always here.

Izumi: --.

Izumi: "Chinatown in Autumn – Sweets Eating Tour" …?

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