Monday, October 16, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 2/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Characters Appearing

 Others: Manager

Izumi: And so! As the manager said, it's a chance to raise the popularity of the Company on a national level!

Izumi: I think us Mankai Company should participate in the Halloween contest.

Kazunari: I'm gettin' super good vibes! I can't wait~! Let's get fired up and do our best!

Banri: It's indeed an event Kazunari would seem to like.

Misumi: Costumes, looks like fun! I, want to dress as a triangle!

Itaru: And that would mean what costume.

Citron: Sounds very fun~. If we raise our familiarity, the audience for our performances would grow too, our popularity will dryrocket more and more!

Tsuzuru: That's, probably skyrocket see…

Tenma: Well, if we're going to participate then obviously, we're aiming for victory right.

Izumi: Yeah!

Manager: Yes, this year for sure we'll defeat them! GODza!!

Izumi: GODza is going to participate in this event too?

Manager: Yes, since this Halloween event is the biggest out of all the events in Veludo Way.

Manager: GODza who is the top of this area will participate this year.

Manager: And recently, this event was GODza's monopoly… sobs sobs…

Kamekichi: You idiot! Don't cry, Isuke! Lift your face!

Omi: I see. …which means, can it be that Taichi and Tasuku-san have participated before too?

Tasuku: ….

Taichi: Aa--… it had nothing to do with me, but Tasuku-san has participated as one of the chosen members!

Tasuku: Oi, Nanano…

Izumi: Chosen?

Taichi: GODza has many members, so they're doing selections for members to participate in contests, and there're auditions for that.

Taichi: Tasuku-san was chosen every time!

Itaru: Eh, is that so.

Tasuku: Saying unnecessary things…

Izumi: Which means, Tasuku-san you wore a costume too right. What costume did you wear?

Omi: I'm curious too.

Taichi: Tasuku-san--.

Taichi: Gah!?

Tasuku: Nanao, stop it.

Taichi: Uh…

Izumi: (Tasuku-san, it may be that he doesn't have good memories from that time. It's not nice to ask him against his will when he doesn't like it)

Omi: Well whatever it is, this year we'll be wearing costumes too.

Kazunari: Since we're at it, let's all of us wear costumes & participate and aim for victory!

Citron: Yes! Trick or treat with everyone~!

Next part >>

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