Saturday, September 30, 2017

SSR Tsuzuru Backstage Naughty Poodle Translation Part 3/3

Magical Circus Miracle

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Other: Ciel

Tsuzuru: It became so cloudy suddenly… even though it was so sunny a moment ago.

Wait…uwah!! This is bad, it started raining!

Tsuzuru: Ciel, come here.


It keeps on getting stronger. Even though it was so sunny earlier…

Tsuzuru: It would be good if it stops before the performance. …Ciel?

Ciel: …..

What's wrong, Ciel. Are you feeling unwell?

Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun! So you were here.

Tsuzuru: Director, great timing. Just now, Ciel's was acting weird…!

Tsuzuru: On the rehearsal he was as cheerful as always, but he suddenly rolled into a ball and he won't respond.

Ciel: …kyu…

Tsuzuru: What should I do, I think he might be feeling unwell…

Ciel: *
Thunder* …!

Izumi: ….can it be….

Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun, do you remember the day you picked this boy? That day too, there was a heavy rain and thunders.

Izumi: Back then, Ciel was really scared too wasn't he?

Tsuzuru: …!

Tsuzuru: I see, Ciel must hate thunders!

Yeah, I think this is the case.

Tsuzuru: But what should we do, at this rate we can't perform in the show. Even though we worked so hard together…

Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun, calm down. It's alright.

Izumi: My friend told me that their puppy hates thunder too, they said that first of all the most important thing is to make them feel safe.

Izumi: In order to do that, first you have to calm down Tsuzuru-kun.

Tsuzuru: Y-You're right.

Izumi: Then, I think it would be good to wrap Ciel in a towel or a blanket and then pat him so he feels safe.

Tsuzuru: Ah, if it's a towel I brought one with me! ….Ciel, come here.

Ciel: …..

Tsuzuru: There, everything is alright. Good boy, good boy.

Ciel: ….kun.

Tsuzuru: Ciel's trembling, it's stopping… that's good…. Seems like he calmed down a little.

Tsuzuru: Thank you, Director. As I thought Director is amazing.

Izumi: I just told you what I've heard. But it's good Ciel has calmed down.


Izumi: …ah, seems like the rain is becoming weak too.

Tsuzuru: The thunders too, their sound is becoming distant.

Ciel: Woof…!

Tsuzuru: Oh, are you feeling better, Ciel? I'm happy!

Izumi: Preparation for the performance starts soon. Do your best! I'm looking forward to it!

Tsuzuru: Yes!

Ciel: Woof!


Circus member: Ladies & Gentlemen! The next performance, will make everyone smile without a doubt!

Circus member: It's a collaboration show between the youthful members of Mankai Company and our very own puppies!

Tsuzuru: Let's do our best, Ciel.

Ciel: Woof!

Circus member: Tsuzuru & Ciel!

Tsuzuru: Three, two, one!

Ciel: Woof woof!

Spectator A: The puppy is so cute~!

Spectator B: That boy, is he in a theatre company? So cool! Should we go watch a play of theirs next time!?


Tsuzuru: We did it, Ciel! It's a great success! Thank you, it's all thanks to you.

Ciel: Woof woof!

Tsuzuru: …but, right. The show ending means… that it's time to say goodbye huh.

Tsuzuru: Things were busy before the performance so I forgot about it… but you're originally a member of a traveling circus.

Ciel: …kun?

Tsuzuru-kun, good job in the performance! It was really great!

Tsuzuru: Director… thank you very much.

Izumi: …? What's wrong?

Tsuzuru: No… when I thought that it's time to part from Ciel somehow, I suddenly started to feel lonely….

Izumi: I see…

Izumi: (Tsuzuru-kun and Ciel, they really trained with all they had for the performance, and they were friendly in general too…)

Ciel: Woof! Woof woof!

Tsuzuru: Wah, w-what happened Ciel?

Izumi: The sky? …Woah, Tsuzuru-kun, look!

Tsuzuru: Eh?

Tsuzuru: Amazing… there's a beautiful rainbow. There're also rays of light shining from between the clouds… as if it's a drawing.

Izumi: Yeah, it's the first time I see such a beautiful rainbow.

Tsuzuru: Me too. …it's beautiful…

Izumi: Parting sure is sad, but you can surely meet again. Don't you feel this way when you look at this rainbow?

Tsuzuru: …!

Ciel: Woof!

Tsuzuru: Right. We can surely meet again… no, we definitely can.

Ciel: Woof woof!

Tsuzuru: Haha, hey, Ciel! Don't lick me, it tickles. O-Oi, stop! Ahaha!

Ciel: Woof woof, woof!

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