Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SR Omi Backstage Appearance of a Man Translation Part 1/2

The Presence of a Beard

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters Appearing:

Omi: So this time the costume is a suit. On top of it there's a beard to match.

Yuki: Yup, since I would like you to have an older feel, and for a Yakuza leader I would like to have something like a presence, or dreadfulness.

Yuki: Well a false beard is fine too.

Omi: Hmm, normally I don't grow a beard but… it's a good opportunity, so I think I'll try growing one.

Izumi: As part of preparing for the role, while in practice and in performance trying to actually growing one might be good.

Izumi: There's also you having to get used to having a beard.

Omi: I see, you have a point. Then I'll try doing so.


Taichi: Yawn~. Yup, I slept well~.

Omi: Ah, you woke up, Taichi. Morning. I'll be going ahead to the lounge.

Taichi: Yeah, Morning~! Omi---…san.

Omi: Omi-san? What happened, suddenly.

Taichi: No no! When I saw your face with the beard, I unintentionally! I couldn't just add "kun"…!

Taichi: A few days ago Omi-kun, you started growing your beard but you look older than usual, how to put it, I end up being nervous!

Omi: Haha…. I'm sorry, but it would be great if you get used to it already.

Taichi: Uuh, I, I'll put an effort!


Omi: Good morning.

Tenma: Ah, good morning Omi-sa….!?

Omi: What's wrong?

Tenma: N-No, my bad. I'm still not used to your face being like that, I was a little surprised.

Omi: Haha, Tenma too huh. Taichi said something similar.

Azuma: Fufu, I think beard Omi is quite good too. Your manliness has gone up.

Yuki: Rather than saying his manliness went up, it's more like he became bear-like, you're completely a woodsman.

Citron: Omi, you're like a "barber"!

Omi: A barber? I-Is that so.

Citron: Yes! A sturdy man who catches boars and dears!

Izumi: …Citron-kun, that's not barber it's hunter isn’t it…

Tenma: Rather it's surprising you know a word like barber.

Omi: The truth is recently, when I repeat the lines from the upcoming performance in my head and recall scenes--.

Omi: Seems like as influence from the preparation for the role, I end up naturally wrinkling my eyebrows…

Omi: Moreover ever since I started growing a beard, people from my university lectures and acquaintances from the photography club are scared of me for a moment.

Yuki: I can see why. Well in reality, that evil looking woodsman carries handmade scones and quiche in his hands.

Citron: Oh~ gap moe! It's cute~.

Sakyo: If you're frightening, in terms of getting into the role things are going well right.

Omi: Well, I guess it's true.

Izumi: (Sure it's true, but having people you know afraid of you is a bit pitiful)

Izumi: (Hmm, as the one who suggested him to grow a beard, I feel a little guilty…)

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