Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SR Omi Backstage Surprise Broccoli Translation Part 2/2

Sharing Happiness

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: …and that's what happened.

Banri: So that thing in the curry is…

Izumi: Yup! The broccoli from the bouquet Omi-kun caught!

Banri: For real…

Izumi: I put it into the curry wishing everyone will come across good relationships!

Taichi: Then, it means that if we eat it we might be able to get married too right!?

Izumi: That's pretty much it! Eat it, and become happy!

Banri: In the first place if you're going to put broccoli in something it's normally in stew and not curry…

Izumi: Ah, speaking of which I made soup too but forgot to serve it. I'll bring it now.

Omi: Carrying it alone will be tough. I'll help too.


Izumi: Sorry about that. I'll heat it again a little, will you wait?

Omi: Got it. Then, I'll get the bowl ready meanwhile.

Izumi: (Alright. It heated up nicely so it's about time…)

Omi: This soup, it'll probably be much more delicious with onions in it.

Izumi: I see, it really might be delicious. Sounds great!

Omi: Yeah. Let's add some while we're at it. It won't take so long so please wait a bit.

Izumi: (Wah, in such a short time he cut the onions so nicely… no matter when I look at him, Omi-kun's skills are so good.)

Omi: …hm? Did something happen?

CHOICE 1: It's nothing

CHOICE 2:I was fascinated

Izumi: But today's bouquet catch was really amazing.

Izumi: It might be that Omi-kun will get married faster than me!

Omi: Ahaha. I think it's a fluke or a coincidence or something of that kind.

Omi: …but well, if a cute person like Director will be my wife, a wedding too might be acceptable.

Izumi: Eh.....?

Izumi: (W-What does it..)

Taichi: Gee, it's only carrying a soup but you're taking so long! I'll help you too!

Omi: Aa, sorry about that Taichi. You can take it already.

Izumi: (It is Omi-kun so it probably doesn’t have a deep meaning but… it's bad for my heart!)

Izumi: (But if it's Omi-kun, he would probably treat me with cooking filled with love everyday… this is beyond the ideal of the women of the world)

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