Thursday, September 28, 2017

SR Juza Backstage First Class Motorcycle Translation Part 2/2

Admiring Tandem

Part 1 / Part 2 

Characters appearing:

Muku: That's terrible, if Ju-chan falls off a cliff or gets into a big accident what should I do…!!

Muku: J-Ju-chan! Please don’t die…!

Juza: …calm down Muku. I won't die.

Muku: Ju-chan… Y-You're right. I'm sorry, I, I was so worried I didn’t notice…

Izumi: (Thank god. After Juza-kun put his head on Muku-kun's head, seems like Muku-kun has calmed down too)

Juza: Once I get a license, I'll give you a ride.

Muku: ….! Really!?

Muku: Uwa, I, I want to try riding by the ocean like a shoujo manga from the 80s.

Banri: And this time his imagination has started running in the fairytale direction.

Tsuzuru: As expected from Muku....

Omi: But, even if he gets a license riding tandem is… wait, Muku? O~i? …looks like he can't hear.

Tsuzuru: Well, with his eruption of paranoia, it's a good thing he didn't say he won't let Juza get a license.

Izumi: Ahaha, that's right. Juza-kun, do your best in your job.

Juza: 'kay.


Omi:  Oh, there he is.

Izumi: Juza-kun, welcome back.

Juza: ….I am back.

Muku: Waa… Ju-chan, you're so cool!! Like a hero from a manga!

Taichi: Juza-san riding a bike, is seriously super cool…!

Izumi: Good thing you were able to get a license safely too. The way you look riding the bike too, really, really suits you.

Juza: ….thanks.

Omi: So this is the bike you got. It really has been taken care of well. So much that it doesn’t look used.

Taichi: Uuu~~! It seriously makes me excited~! I want to get a license soon too-!

Muku: This is amazing. This helmet too, it's cool!

Juza: Hm. ….this.

Muku: Eh? A blue helmet…?

Juza: This is for you to use. I promised I will give you a ride, so I bought them together.

Muku: ….! Waa… thank you, Ju-chan!

Izumi: Good for you, Muku-kun.

Muku: Yes!

Izumi: (Muku-kun, he looks so happy. Somehow I became happy too, just from looking at him)

Taichi: Waa-! How nice how nice~, Mucchan! Are the two of you going to ride right away!?

Muku: Ehehe! Um, what should I do while riding at the back? If it's to the closest convenience store, can we ride right away?

Juza: No…. about that……

Muku: ??? Ju-chan…?

Izumi: Eh, what's wrong?

Omi: It's too bad, but you can't ride right away.

Omi: If it hasn't been a year or more since you've obtained the license, riding tandem… riding with two people, you can't do that.

Muku: ….!!

Taichi: S-So that's how it is!

Juza: ….sorry. This helmet, will you wait a year until you use it…?

Muku: Of course! I'm looking forward to it!

Juza: …yeah.

Muku: Me too, maybe I'll get a license too once I turn 16. I want to try wearing this helmet, and go touring with Ju-chan.

Juza: …!? Oi, you should give it up. What are you going to do if you get hurt.

Muku: It's alright, I'll go to lessons properly, and I'll do my best in training too!

Juza: But, if you fall or….

Omi: Haha, now it's Juza's turn to worry.

Izumi: (These two cousins, as I thought they're really similar…) 

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