Friday, September 29, 2017

SR Muku Backstage Premonition of Blooming Translation Part 1/2

Hidden Path in the Morning

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:


Muku: Umm, this is…

Izumi: It's a very big puzzle. 500 pieces?

Muku: Yes, that's right. Once you complete it, this is the picture you get.

Izumi: It's cute. There're so many cats.

Muku: The other day, I read a manga about going to the kingdom of cats, and I thought it was lovely…

Muku: Then I found this puzzle in the shop, so I just ended up buying it.

Muku: Ah, if you like, want to do it together Director?

Izumi: Is that alright?

Muku: Yes!

Muku: Looks like it's going to take a long time if I do it alone, so I would be happy if you help me.

Izumi: Then I'll take you up on that. Let's do our best together!


Izumi: This color, I think it goes here.

Taichi: What are you doing?

Taichi: Ah, a puzzle!

Banri: Hmm, 500 pieces huh. This piece… goes here.

Taichi: Awesome!! Ban-chan, you got it right in one try!

Muku: This is amazing, Banri-san!

Banri: It just happened to catch my eye.

Izumi: Ah, then isn’t the piece next to it this one?

Muku: This one fits exactly too!

Masumi: …I heard something about the piece next to Director's.

Banri: What kinda sharp ears do you have, it's scary man.

Masumi: I'll definitely be the one to find the piece next to yours…

Izumi: Masumi-kun, puzzle isn't this kind of game okay?

Taichi: Alrighty, next I'm gonna be the one to fit it with a bam!

Taichi: This one-…

Taichi: Goes heree!

Izumi: …seems like it doesn't.

Banri: It doesn't.

Taichi: Uhhh this ship has sunk…

Misumi: I found a triangle! This one, is the black cat's triangular ear!

Taichi: Eeeh, Misumi-san nailed it in one try too!? What's this place, don't we have too many puzzle geniuses?

Homare: My, puzzle huh. You are playing quite a logical game.

Homare: I too will lend a hand for this uncompleted piece of art.

Masum: I won't hand over the piece next to Director's.

Banri: It's scary I'm telling you.

Izumi: Everyone who comes to the lounge would give us a hand huh.

Muku: Yes!

Muku: It feels like we're all creating it together, it's fun!


Muku: This goes here… or not. Maybe here?

Izumi: Doesn't this pattern belong here?

Tsuzuru: Eh, you two were still at it?

Kazunari: Director-chan, didn't you say that you gotta be up early tomorrow?

Tsuzuru: Muku you have school tomorrow too right. You're going to be late you know?

Muku: Uh, you're right but…

Izumi: Just a little bit more…

Tsuzuru: Geez, keep it moderate and rest okay?

Kazunari: Mukkun, I'm gonna head to our room first~. Director-chan too, g'night~!

Izumi: G'night~.


Izumi: (Next one… ah, I think it's this one)

Muku: This…

Izumi: Ah.

Muku: Ah-…

Izumi: (Before I noticed we got so close huh)

Muku: S, S-S-SORRY…!!

Muku: M-My hand has bumped into yours!

Izumi: (…Muku-kun, his face is all red)

CHOICE 1: That surprised me

CHOICE 2: Our faces were about to bump each other


Muku: With this it's… completed!!

Izumi: It's finished!

Muku: Yay!

Izumi: Huh, it became completely late… wait, it's already this late!?

Muku: I'm sho happy it'sh completed…

Muku: Yawns. Sleepy…

Izumi: Muku-kun, you can't sleep here!

Muku: Zzz…

Izumi: Muku-kun? Muku-kuuun! It's no good, he completely fell asleep.

Izumi: (It can't be helped, I'll get someone to help me carry him to bed.)

Izumi: Yawns…. I have to go to bed soon too…

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