Sunday, November 3, 2019

Event Run Around the Field Translation Part 11/11

Someday Story

Part 7Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Others: Mizuno, Minagi family *check the bottom of the page for all of Tsuzuru's brothers.

Izumi: Please consider taking this survey.

Citron: Please take the survey.

Mizuno: --I would like to have one.

Izumi: Thank you so much as always.

Mizuno: And also, please give it to Minagi Tsuzuru-san—.

Izumi: I will.

Mizuno: Well then, excuse me.

Izumi: Ah, please wait a moment. There's something I want to give you Mizuno-san.

Mizuno: Is this… a letter of invitation?

Izumi: Seems like it's an invitation for Meguru-san's birthday party. Tsuzuru-kun said you're absolutely needed for this party.

Mizuno: --.

Mizuno: I can't accept it. I don't have any right to meet him…

Izumi: Even if you can't meet as a fan and scriptwriter, you can meet as childhood friends right?

Mizuno: But after all this time…

Citron: I have a good idea!

Mizuno: ?

Citron: Mizuno, you'll become a foreigner helper!


Tsuzuru: Happy birthday to you~!

Kaoru: Happy birthday to you~!

Noboru: Happy birthday dear Meguru~!

Subaru: Happy birthday to you~!

Yuzuru: Meguru nii-chan, blow the candles!

Takeru: Hurry up!

Meguru: Fuu.

Tooru: Happy birthday.

Mitsuru: Congratulations Meguru.

Izumi: Congratulations!

Meguru: Thank you.

Tadoru: So Meguru is already 24 huh~. You've grown up so much~.

Tsuzuru's Father: Tadoru you're 26 right.

Tsuzuru's Mother: It's not such a big difference.

Izumi: (It's such a warm birthday party. It might be this specific mood in Tsuzuru's home)

Omi: But wow, looking at it again ten siblings is really a view to behold. I thought we had a big family but here it's more than double…

Azami: I'm an only child but my house feels similar.

Tasuku: Yeah, you've got lots of people coming and going to your place Izumida.

Omi: The Ginsen Group party we were invited to the other day also was quite the experience…

Azami: They're all grown up though so it's different from here.

Tooru: Ahem, we would like to start the play now.

Yuzuru: Now!

Mitsuru: We will be starting shortly so, um, please take your seats!

Takeru: Meguru nii-chan, you sit in the middle!

Meguru: Alright.

Tooru: Takeru, turn off the lights.

Takeru: Got it!

Mitsuru: It's showtime!


Masked man: ….

Masked man: "There was a legend told about a small pond just outside the town"

Masked man: "It said that there is a kappa living in the bottomless pond. If a child gets close to it, they would be pulled inside, never to return"

Noboru: "Kappa don’t exist! That's so stupid"

Subaru: "Taro you liar"

Kaoru: "It's there! I'm telling you!"

Noboru: "Then prove it"

Subaru: "If you take a picture of it, we'll believe you"

Kaoru: "Fine!"

Masked man: "Accepting the challenge, Taro went to the pond alone"

Kaoru: "Damn it, they're making fun of me… I'll find the kappa and make them admit they were wrong!"

Kaoru: "That's strange… I left a cucumber for it, but it's not coming out"

Kaoru: "Tch"

Masked man: "Taro gave up and was about to head back, but then—"

Tsuzuru: Big bro!

Tadoru: Eh? Oh yeah, a sound effect, right.

Izumi: (So Tadoru-san is the handyman…)


Kaoru: "Eh, what was that…"

Tsuzuru: "Kappaaa!"

Kaoru: "Woaaahh!"

Kaoru: "Woaah… eh?"

Tsuzuru: "Eh?"

Kaoru: "Who the hell are you!"

Tsuzuru: "I'm a kappa"

Kaoru: "No kappa just says "kapaaa"!"

Tsuzuru: "I mean, kids aren't coming here recently, so I didn't know how to approach you…"


Noboru: "H-Help me!"

Kaoru: "Why are you helping them. They tried to do terrible things to you right"

Tsuzuru: "Kappaa!"

Kaoru: "Enough with that already"

Tsuzuru: "Because they're your friends Taro! A friend's friend is a friend!"

Kaoru: "We're not really friends…"

Subaru: "Cough, cough, huh…"

Noboru: "I thought I was going to drown…"

Tsuzuru: "—"

Subaru: "Ah—"

Noboru: "H-Hmph! You see, there's no such thing as a kappa!"

Subaru: "No, but just now, over there—"

Noboru: "There's nothing there"

Subaru: "Guess I imagined it"

Noboru: "See, kappa don't exist"

Subaru: "Then that means Taro saved us?"

Kaoru: "No, that was—"

Noboru: "For real?"

Subaru: "You're amazing Taro"

Masked man: "Ever since that day, Taro started playing with his classmates"

Masked man: "But still, Taro secretly goes alone to meet the kappa"

Masked man: "It's fine even if no one believes him. It's their secret"

Tsuzuru: Thank you for watching. Come on, your greetings.

Kaoru: Thank you so much.

Noboru: Thank you so much~!

Subaru: Thank you so much~!

Masked man: Thank you very much.

Tsuzuru's Father: It was very good!

Tsuzuru's Mother: It's been a while since I've watched it, it was good!

Tasuku: So this is the origin of Minagi huh.

Tsuzuru: Haha, that's embarrassing.

Izumi: Not at all! It was so interesting!

Azami: You were able to come up with that as a grade schoolers, that's more than enough.

Omi: Yeah. Your brothers also have a talent for acting.

Azami: Leaving that aside, that mask…

Tasuku: I'm pretty sure it's Citron's idea.

Izumi: Ahaha… so you could tell? He said that if it's hard for Mizuno-kun to meet face to face, he should just use a mask.

Omi: I see now.

Yuzuru: Say say, what's the mask for~?

Mizuno Man: I'm the mysterious helper, Mizuno Man!

Takeru: Mizuno Man, so cool!

Yuzuru: Mizuno Man, play with us!

Takeru: Show us your secret attack!

Mizuno Man: A-Attack!? M-Mizuno Flower Shower!

Yuzuru: Amazing!

Azami: Isn't it even more awkward to meet when he's like that?

Izumi: You have a point…!

Meguru: Thank you for today. Mizuno… man.

Mizuno Man: Y-You're welcome…

Meguru: You were sending flowers and letters to my soccer team right. I was happy to receive them.

Mizuno Man: N-No, that wasn't me—

Meguru: The content of the letters could be written only by someone who visited our place, and you're the only one who could send me such flowers.

Mizuno Man: Ugh…

Meguru: Thank you for participating in the play again for me. And keep being Tsuzuru's friend.

Mizuno Man: Eh!? No, but, I, err--.

Tsuzuru: Here, Mizuno. Your cake.

Mizuno Man: T-Thank you…

Tasuku: How is he going to eat it with this mask?

Omi: Ah, looks like you can make an opening only for the mouth.

Mizuno Man: It's the same taste…

Tsuzuru: I mean it's the same recipe.

Tsuzuru: Thank you for always sending fan letters. When I read your letters, I feel like I can stand tall.

Tsuzuru: I'm also always hanging the dandelions in front of the mirror.

Mizuno Man: --.

I'm happy we were able to fulfill our promise from back then, to act again together.

Tsuzuru: If you like, please come to the birthday parties of the little ones too.

Mizuno Man: I… can't do that.

Mizuno Man: In order to keep facing your works truly, I need to maintain a kind of distance from you as your fan.

Mizuno Man: But if it's as childhood friends… you can have this Mizuno Man!

Tsuzuru: Haha, you're so stubborn. That's fine.

Mizuno Man: --, thank you, so much.

Izumi: This stubbornness is what you would expect from Mizuno-san…

Omi: Very extreme.

Izumi: (But it's almost as if their relationship is like before, that's great)


Tsuzuru: This is a crazy amount of baggage.

Handmade presents from the little brats, and a weird doll from big bro…

Meguru: And also, socks from Kaoru, shoes from the soccer club members, a t-shirt from Director…

Tsuzuru: So it's all just presents.

Meguru: Tasuku-san taking us by car to the station was a huge help. Thank him for me later.

Tsuzuru: Got it.

Meguru: …let's see, track no.15 huh.

Tsuzuru: Did you tell your wife about wanting to convert positions?

Meguru: Yeah. I was worried about her reaction, but she was more fired up about it than I was.

Meguru: Said she likes how I'm chasing my dreams, so she wants to support me. I have such a good wife.

Tsuzuru: She's wasted on you.

Haha, you have a point.

Tsuzuru: I bet you'll be getting busy now, but come to our parents' again. Your room is still there you know.

 It's basically a storage room now right.

Meguru: …speaking of which, you haven't used the room in the end. Even though I told you you're free to use it.

Tsuzuru: It's gonna be a problem if you come visit and you don't have a room right.

Meguru: You left it for me?

Tsuzuru: Your dream could've shattered any day after all.

Meguru: You're so not honest~.

Meguru: But you know, it always surprises me how much the little brats grow every time I come to visit.

Tsuzuru: One year for us feels completely different for them.

Meguru: Like Yuzuru, he was such a tiny baby just crawling around, and now he can walk and talk. That's not simple growth, it's evolution.

Tsuzuru: Soon we won't be able to call them little brats anymore.

Meguru: You're probably right. Somehow when I look at them, I think how nice it would be if I had a son.

Meguru: Mom loves soccer right? Her dream was to have such a big family she could form a soccer team.

Meguru: When the little ones grow older, we should participate in a tournament, all of the Minagi siblings. My kid included.

Tsuzuru: You already decided they're gonna be a boy?

Meguru: Well, nowadays girls can play soccer too!

Tsuzuru: Wait, what about dad?

Meguru: He isn't an option. Mom would make a better choice than him.

Tsuzuru: Point.

I didn't know of this story about mom and soccer though. It's so common it wouldn't even make it as a script.

Meguru: I know! Someday, when I become the best player in Japan for real…

Meguru: There will probably be a TV series called "The Tale of Minagi Meguru", and I'll ask you to write the script!

Meguru: And I'll ask Tasuku-san to be the main actor.

Tsuzuru: As always you're making some big declarations…

Tsuzuru: Whether we do it or not depends on how much it pays.

Meguru: How about 500 yen?

Tsuzuru: So low.

Announcer: The train departing from track no. 15 will arrive soon.

Meguru: See you around.

Tsuzuru: Yeah. Do your best out there.

Meguru: You too.

Tsuzuru: Sure.


The train doors closed silently.

My brother still stood at the entrance, and our eyes met through the glass window.

His expression was decisive, bright.

The face of a dreams chaser, the face of my beloved brother.

As though cheering each other up, we both laughed.

As the train started moving, my brother turned his back and disappeared inside.

We are still on the way to our dreams.

We cannot afford to stop running here.

I stood alone on the platform, and my brother's words echoed in my head.

My mother's dream of making a soccer team from our family…

Giving birth to ten sons just to do that is something she would do.

Someday, my brother will become a father too.

When I tried to imagine it, I became excited and happy, but also very miserable…

I felt the same way I did when my brother left home, and slowly, I cried.



Tsuzuru: --no wait, that's not it. It just feels like my essay.

Tsuzuru: This one is rejected.

Tsuzuru: ….Phew.

Tsuzuru: ("The Tale of Minagi Meguru" huh… I wonder if it will see the daylight someday)

Tsuzuru: (Its future is so uncertain, I can't rely on that)

(But I pray that, somehow, in the not so distant future…I'll be able to write the continuation…)

*Left to right:
Tadoru, Meguru, Tsuzuru
Kaoru, Noboru/Subaru, Tooru
Mitsuru, Takeru, Yuzuru

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