Sunday, November 3, 2019

Event Run Around the Field Translation Part 9/11

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Others: Meguru

Tsuzuru as Kubota, Tasuku as Miyagi, Omi as Igarashi, Azami as Kouhei

Sakuya: Ah, there's an article about Meguru.

Tsumugi: Seems like he's participating again in his club practices.

Izumi: I'm happy he seems to be alright.

Izumi: (It's the second time a sibling of a Spring Troupe member stays here, the first being Prince Tangerine… and feels like Meguru completely felt at home in the dorms)

Tsuzuru: Director.

Izumi: ?

Tsuzuru: The script I told you I want to write for the upcoming mix play… I was able to write it.

Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun… I feel like it's the first time I'm getting a script from you when you're fully conscious.

Tsuzuru: Well, the truth is I finished it yesterday, and I fell asleep right after.

Tsuzuru: When I came to I found myself on my bed.

Izumi: (Thinking of which yesterday Masumi-kun asked Tasuku-san and the others to help carry him to bed)

Izumi: I'll read it now.

Tsuzuru: 'Kay.

Izumi: ….

Izumi: (A soccer themed story about youths…)

(It's not as flashy as usual, rather it's a slow paced, bittersweet multiprotagonist youth story)

Izumi: Wow, it's wonderful… does it have a title already?

Tsuzuru: It's a bit embarrassing--.

Izumi: --This one here? I like it.

Tsuzuru: And, about the members…

Izumi: Fufu. I already get it. It's this theme after all.

Izumi: And obviously, you're the lead actor right?

Tsuzuru: Yes. It's a story I wrote for my brother, so I have to take responsibility for it.

Izumi: Yeah.

Izumi: (A story that only Tsuzuru-kun can write, and only he can play out because he was always watching Meguru-san… I can't wait to see the final product)


Meguru: Let's see… the line is…

Izumi: Meguru-san, over here.


Meguru: Ah, hello--.

Izumi: Your seat is right here.

Meguru: Is it okay for me to get such a good seat right in the middle?

Izumi: It was a request from Tsuzuru-kun. It's the opening show, he wants you to see it from a good place.

Meguru: …thank you very much.

Spectator A: It's been a while since Tsuzuru-kun was a lead, I'm excited!

Spectator B: I had to get tickets no matter what so I'm happy! I wonder what mix plays are like.

Meguru: ….

Izumi: (He's really nervous)

Meguru: The truth is, it's the first time I'm watching one of Tsuzuru's performances live. I've always been busy with team practice, so I've only watched them on video.

Izumi: You're just like Tsuzuru-kun when he's about to watch one of your matches on TV.

Meguru: Haha, we're brothers alright.


Tsuzuru: Sorry for making you join me on this selfish script.

Azami: It's too late for this now.

Tasuku: If the content is good, it doesn't matter whether it was based on ego or not.

Omi: Rather, you aren't really sorry for it are you.

Tsuzuru: I'm not.

Azami: So flatly.

Tsuzuru: I'm just genuinely excited about being able to act out this theme, with the guys I've played soccer with for so long.

Tasuku: Same here.

Omi: Let's have fun out there.

Azami: True that.

Tasuku: Come on, gather around.

Tsuzuru: Alright.

Tsuzuru: With respect not only to my brother, but to all the other people who're running around their own personal fields, chasing their dreams--.

Tsuzuru: Will you run together with me?

Tasuku: Yeah!

Omi: Let's go!

Azami: Awright!


Coach: "Kubota, it's almost your last chance. Think carefully about your actions"

Kubota: "…yes sir"

Kubota: "See you later"

Teammate A: "Eh? You're leaving?"

Teammate B: "…I really don't wanna become like that"

Teammate A: "Is it true that when Kubota-san was in high school he was a sure candidate for the national team?"

Teammate B: "Yeah. But he's been a trainee for forever now"

Teammate A: "Feels like he's already past his peak"

Izumi: (Kubota is in a club team but he has no good results to boast about… the way he's down about failing to get into the national team is just like Meguru-san)


Kubota: "…tch"

Igarashi: "Is it right for a professional soccer player to be smoking?"

Kubota: "…shut up. I could say the same to you, go study"

Igarashi: "I had only one class today. What about your practice?"

Kubota: "I'm on a break"

Igarashi: "So you're ditching"

Kubota: "…."

Igarashi: "Wanna help me with something if you're free?"

Kubota: "Help you?"

Igarashi: "I'm thinking about forming a futsal team"

Kubota: "As if a pro player can join an amateur team"

Igarashi: "It's not like we'll be participating in tournaments, it's just for fun"

Kubota: "You can find lots of free guys in your university right"

Igarashi: "I invited Miyagi and Kouhei too"

Kubota: "Kouhei, as in Miyagi's little bro?"

Igarashi: "That's him. I want to get all the East High soccer club members"

Kubota: "Why would you even do that"

Igarashi: "Think about it. The annual salary is 500 yen"

Kubota: "So low"

Kubota: "…well, I don't mind I guess"

Igarashi: "What, you really okay with that?"

Kubota: "Hey, you're the one who invited me"

Igarashi: "Not, that's a great help. The other guys will be happy too"

Izumi: (They have a more listless, indifferent mood than usual… both Tsuzuru-kun and Omi-kun are restraining their acting)


Miyagi: "It's been a while"

Kouhei: "…'Sup"

Igarashi: "You guys haven't been seeing each other at all?"

Miyagi: "Not since the graduation ceremony"

Kubota: "True"

Izumi: (That awkward feeling between the reserved Kubota and Miyagi. Tasuku-san's acting has a more realistic approach than usual)

Miyagi: "This is Kouhei"

Kouhei: "Kubota-san, is it true that you passed the selection in one try?"

Kubota: "…Well, yeah"

Kouhei: "Damn, that's amazing. You're the legend of the East High soccer club"

Kubota: "Heh…"

Igarashi: "You're a legend apparently"

Miyagi: "Kubota has been on a whole different level even back then"

Kubota: "…are you being sarcastic now"

Igarashi: "Well, it's been a while since we met, so how about we all go drinking"

Kubota: "Weren't we going to play futsal"

Miyagi: "I've got some good beer"

Igarashi: "A drinking party with the sponsor of a bar, that's the best"

Izumi: (Kouhei's gaze of respect feels awkward for Kubota at the moment. The innocence of a little brother is really showing in Azami-kun's acting)

Izumi: (The futsal team is complete after Igarashi invited Miyagi, about whom he was worried, and Kouhei who is playing truant)


Izumi: (The four of them suffer a crushing defeat in their first training match…)

Kouhei: "5-0… it can't be real"

Igarashi: "What do you know, it's tough playing again after such a long break"

Kubota: "…Huh"

Miyagi: "Well, it can't be helped"

Rival Player A: "Hm? Isn't that Kubota from East High?"

Rival Player B: "Yeah, the one who became a professional player"

Rival Player C: "More like, I heard he fell to third league"

Rival Player A: "So now he's playing with the amateurs?"

Rival Player B: "I think it's even lower than amateurs—"

Igarashi: "—"

Miyagi: "Hey—"

Kubota: "I don't mind really"

Rival Team C: "Was nice playing with you. Play with us again"

Rival Team A: "Good job"

Kouhei: "Hey, Kubota-san, you've been cutting too much corners. You shouldn't do that even if they were an amateur team"

Kubota: "…I wasn't cutting corners or anything"

Kouhei: "Eh?"

Kubota: "I'm heading back. Was nice playing with you"

Igarashi: "H-Hey, Kubota—"

Igarashi: "Hey, don't listen to the words of the likes of them"

Kubota: "Shut up, just leave me alone"

Igarashi: "—"


Izumi: (We go back in time now, to Kubota as a high schooler, playing by the river)

Kubota: "…."

Miyagi: "You come here whenever you lose huh"

Kubota: "…just shut it"

Izumi: (The way they pass the ball naturally while speaking looks so real. They can manage it precisely because they're soccer club members)

Miyagi: "It was so close. That last shot"

Kubota: "Damn it, the pass was too slow. Even though I was more in the front—"

Miyagi: "Guess we're having a reflection meeting"

Kubota: "Get ready for a two hours lecture"

Miyagi: "By the way, what are you going to do after graduation?"

Kubota: "For now I'm thinking about going to college"

Miyagi: "So the same as Igarashi"

Kubota: "That guy's dream is to become a superior businessman after all"

Miyagi: "Such a shallow dream"

Kubota: "And you Miyagi?"

Miyagi: "I'll be taking selection exams"

Kubota: "So as I thought, you're going for it?"

Miyagi: "You've also been called out by scouts right. Aren't you going to apply?"

Kubota: "…If you're taking them maybe I'll take them too"

Miyagi: "The hell does that mean"

Kubota: "This way, we can play soccer together even after we graduate"

Miyagi: "That's right"


Izumi: (And now we return to the present--)

Miyagi: "Just like I thought you're here. You haven't grown up in the slightest"

Kubota: "…."

Miyagi: "Here's our most expensive beer. You don't get to drink it often so have some"

Kubota: "If you keep doing this you'll go out of business"

Miyagi: "Our sales are doing amazing at the moment"

Kubota: "…is that so. Good for you"

Miyagi: "Even though at first I wasn't sure it was going to work"

Kubota: "So that means you didn't have talent only for soccer but also for running a bar. Naturally talented people really have it good"

Miyagi: "What's wrong? You weren't playing like yourself"

Kubota: "…"

Miyagi: "Stop smoking. Have some self awareness"

Kubota: "—oh shut up, then you should've become a pro player"

Miyagi: "I would've, if I could"

Kubota: "—"


Businessman A: "Man, students really have it easy"

Businessman B: "You in the soccer club of your university right? Show us how to do that lifting thing. With this 500 yen coin"

Igarashi: "Haha, that's impossible"

Businessman A: "Just do it. If you succeed, I'll give you this coin"

Igarashi: "Oh really, then—"

Businessman B: "Hah, you suck"

Igarashi: "Haha"

Businessman A: "Go and train"

Igarashi: "Haha, you're right"

Businessman B: "See you then"

Igarashi: "Thank you so much for today"

Kouhei: "Igarashi-san?"

Igarashi: "Kouhei? It's rare seeing you here"

Kouhei: "Who were those people"

Igarashi: "OBs from my school, they're taking care of me"

Kouhei: "Is there a need to fawn over them this much?"

Igarashi: "They are from my first choice company, I can't leave a bad impression"

Kouhei: "…that's very lame of you"

Igarashi: "Haha, you're too straightforward"

Kouhei: "…."

Igarashi: "By the way, what are we gonna do about the next time we practice? If you're still not going to school, then how about a weekday—"

Kouhei: "I'm quitting the team"

Igarashi: "Eh, why—"

Kouhei: "See you"

Igarashi: "…."


Izumi: (After that, Kouhei stopped coming to practices, and Igarashi explains the reason to Kubota and Miyagi…)

Igarashi: "And that's the gist of it"


Miyagi: "So that's why"


Kubota: "You didn't know even though you're his brother"


Miyagi: "…I guess"


Miyagi: "I'm sorry. Even though Igarashi managed to gather all of us. You too Kubota—"

Igarashi: "I don't really mind personally, but you're in the middle of a cold war again?"


Miyagi: "Yeah. He won't even try talking to me"


Miyagi: "The fact that he agreed to play futsal together was already a surprise, but it didn't continue for long"

Kubota: "Well, after losing this badly it's not surprising that he would lose motivation"


Igarashi: "Ah, I think that it's partly my fault too"


Miyagi: "No, it's his own problem. He isn't going to school just because it didn't go so well for him in his club too, he lacks willpower"


Igarashi: "And, what are we gonna do—"


Izumi: (They're passing the ball around while saying their lines. The conversation and the ball are completely working together)

Izumi: (They look very calm, but if it were different members, they wouldn't be able to pull it off so easily)

Igarashi: "Oops, even if you pass it to me—here you go"


Miyagi: "Don't pass it to me—"


Kubota: "Wait, so Kouhei is ditching school?"


Miyagi: "It's what you call truancy"


Igarashi: "Seems like Kouhei has some kids with strong personalities in his grade you see. Seems like they ran into a conflict, and he lost his place"


Kubota: "He doesn't look like this kinda type though. He's very stouthearted after all"


Miyagi: "He might be, but he has always been unable to take a hit. Exactly like someone else I know"


Igarashi: "Ah—"


Kubota: "What, who are you talking about!"


Igarashi: "Some things are better left unsaid—"


Kubota: "Rather, I thought about it last time too, Igarashi, your passes are too sloppy"


Miyagi: "I thought the same"


Igarashi: "There it is, Kubota&Miyagi's calling out time"


Kubota: "What the hell is that"


Igarashi: "The specialty of the East High soccer club"


Kubota: "Don't make it the specialty"


Miyagi: "You have so many legends about you Kubota"


Kubota: "Well, I guess Kouhei was disappointed to find out his legendary upperclassman isn't all that great"


Igarashi: "Well, I showed him a lame part of me too"


Miyagi: "If you're going there, then the root of the problem is me, his big brother"


Igarashi: "Kouhei has always boasted about how good at soccer you are after all"


Miyagi: "He said he didn't want a sake dealer as brother"


Kubota: "Then, you can just try to become a pro! Stop being so hesitant, it's annoying!"


Igarashi: "--, Hey, not so strong!"

Miyagi: "That—I wouldn't be suffering if I could just do that!"


Igarashi: "Miyagi you're in serious mode too now? Not fair it's just the two of you"

Izumi: (They're chasing the ball as though they're competing… the emotions of each and every one of them are expressed through their footwork)

Kubota: "Then stop complaining!"


Miyagi: "Same to you, stop being such a coward!"


Kubota: "—"

Miyagi: "Igarashi, cover the side"

Igarashi: "Alright!"

Miyagi: "I won’t let you pass—"

Kubota: "Don't make me laugh!"

Izumi: (Kubota slips through both Miyagi and Igarashi's blocks--)

Igarashi: "—Uwah"

Miyagi: "—"


Kubota: "Huh"

Miyagi: "Huff, huff…"

Igarashi: "Huh… nice shoot. Tch, you really are good, Kubota"

Kubota: "Obviously"

Miyagi: "Haha, you have to stay this self-confident"

Igarashi: "That's right, that's what makes you yourself, Kubota"

Kubota: "That's a weird way to put it"

Miyagi: "…I don't regret taking over the pub after my old man died"

Miyagi: "But I was irritated seeing you rot away, and playing unlike yourself"

Miyagi: "It was as if I was seeing myself had I chose to become a pro"

Kubota: "…."

Miyagi: "You're not the type to be finished over something like that right"

Kubota: "…right"

Igarashi: "I have to give some more thoughts to the things I really want to do too"

Miyagi: "What about becoming a businessman?"

Igarashi: "It's really shallow compared to wanting to become a soccer player right"

Kubota: "Same can be said about owning a pub"

Miyagi: "I'm making so much more money than you though"

Kubota: "Don't bring this up"


Izumi: (Meanwhile, though he left the team, Kouhei was boredly kicking a ball…)


Kouhei: "…."

Teammate A: "Is that you Kouhei?"

Teammate B: "A ditcher shouldn't be hanging around here"

Teammate C: "More like, you're still playing soccer?"

Teammate B: "You can't play soccer by yourself y'know"

Teammate C: "Poor mister lonely"

Teammate B: "Idiot, don't diss the poor thing"

Teammate A: "Then how about you play with us?"

Teammate B: "You must be joking. I can't play with him"

Teammate C: "I really wanna avoid that. He isn't even that good, he's all talks"

Kouhei: "—"

Igarashi: "If it's a match you want—"

Miyagi: "We'll happily participate. You're free anyway right"

Kubota: "Think of it as a friendly match with your OB. If you win we'll treat you to anything you want"

Teammate A: "Eh, for real?"

Teammate B: "What do we do?"

Teammate C: "They said it's their treat, lucky for us"

Teammate A: "True"

Teammate B: "We’re in"


Izumi: (Kubota and Miyagi are showing different moves and combinations from the previous match…)

Miyagi: "Kouhei!"


Kouhei: "—"


Igarashi: "Alright! I got it!"

Kubota: "Miyagi!"

Miyagi: "Got it"


Kubota: "—"


Teammate B: "Damn it"

Izumi: (Kubota's ball hits the net. He's really using the ball well on such a narrow stage)

Igarashi: "Nice shoot!"

Igarashi: "Miyagi, nice assist"

Miyagi: "I haven't lost my touch right"

Kouhei: "Amazing…"

Teammate A: "This can’t be real…"

Kubota: "Well, that’s it I guess"

Igarashi: "Ooh, it's the first time I witness a 20 points difference"

Teammate B: "…."

Kubota: "So, we're the ones who won so about treating us—"

Teammate C: "Eh!"

Kubota: "I would feel bad making you do that, so I'll let you off with just an apology to Kouhei"

Miyagi: "You understand now that he isn't all talks right"

Teammate A: "…I'm sorry"

Miyagi: "Let's go back"

Igarashi: "Let's celebrate"

Kouhei: "…"

Igarashi: "Here, you too Kouhei"

Kouhei: "…Kubota-san, you're really good huh"

Kubota: "You're not cute at all. Just like Miyagi"

Izumi: (There isn't anything extreme here, but a refreshing wind has blown into their hearts… they all have bright expressions)


Kubota: "Huff, huff, huff"

Igarashi: "Hey, you look as free as always"

Izumi: (Igarashi meets Kubota while he's on his work out, wearing a serious expression…)

Kubota: "How am I free exactly"

Igarashi: "You training?"

Kubota: "You can tell by looking can't you"

Igarashi: "You see, I'm just not used to seeing you like that"

Igarashi: "By the way, have you heard? Kouhei wants to join your team"

Kubota: "Heh. If it's him he can do it. He's got sense"

Igarashi: "And Miyagi's got his passion for soccer back, he started coaching juniors"

Kubota: "I know. He called me to help him the other day"

Igarashi: "Nothing less from the legendary upperclassman"

Kubota: "Shut up. You can help too. Kouhei is coming too"

Igarashi: "As soon as I get a job offer"

Kubota: "Have you found that dream of yours?"

Igarashi: "More or less. One day you might use shoes or uniforms I've developed"

Kubota: "When that time comes, give them all for 500 yen"

Igarashi: "That's way too cheap"

Izumi: (The two of them laugh more carelessly than before, with expressions of high schoolers. Both Tsuzuru-kun and Omi-kun display this difference well even without an exaggerated acting)


Kouhei: "—"

Miyagi: "You went to your club today? Well done"

Kouhei: "…."

Miyagi: "Welcome to our pub!"

Kouhei: "…later"

Miyagi: "Huh?"

Kouhei: "I'll help around the store later"

Miyagi: "—sure"

Izumi (It's awkward, but the relationship between these two brothers has undoubtedly changed. Both Tasuku-kun and Azami-kun's acting is great)


Kubota: "…. *kicks*"

Coach: "Kubota, come here"

Kubota: "Yes sir"

Coach: "I'll have you as a reserve player for the match next week"

Kubota: "Eh…"

Coach: "Stay focused"

Kubota: Yes sir!"

Izumi: (Kubota is looking straight forward… you can feel Tsuzuru-kun's cheers for Meguru-san through his expression)



Tsuzuru: Thank you very much!

Tasuku: Thank you very much!

Omi: Thank you.

Azami: Thanks.

Tsuzuru: Um, there's something I want to say.

Tsuzuru: I offer this story to my amazing brother, and to all the people who chase after their dreams, running with everything they have around the field.


Meguru: --.

Izumi: (This is the story Tsuzuru-kun wanted to write. It surely got through, Tsuzuru-kun—)

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