Saturday, November 2, 2019

SSR Omi Backstage MANKAI Encore Translation Part 1/3


Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Ryo

Omi: It's been a while, Nachi. You know, I'm going to play Wolf again.

Ryo: We also brought your favorite cheese tara! I'm sure Nachi-san is excited for the extra showings too!

Omi: Yeah… I hope he is.

Ryo: I heard that this time the show is in the provinces, but I'll come all the way to watch it.

Omi: Thank you, it makes me happy.

Ryo: I've also called the other members who weren't able to come to the first showing!

Ryo: The guys sounded super interested in it, so we decided to come together.

Ryo: We found a cheap hotel too! There're some guys who haven’t met in forever, so we'll all be staying in one big room.

Omi: Haha, even though we are not gang members anymore, so many fierce looking guys gathering would be some sight.

Ryo: You'll probably be busy, but please drop by the hotel Omi-san!

Omi: Yeah. I haven't seen some of the guys in a long time, so I want you all to come to the green room after the show.

Ryo: Is that okay? We're gonna be a large group…

Omi: It's fine. I'll ask for permission from Director.

Ryo: Thank you so much! Everyone will be happy!

Ryo: Thinking about it, it's not so far, so we all decided to go there by bike!

Omi: Oh, sounds fun.

Ryo: I wanted to invite you to join Omi-san, but you'll be going with the guys from the Company right?

Omi: Yeah. We'll probably be taking the train.

Ryo: I thought so. Damn, I wanted to go touring with Omi-san again…

Ryo: But we can do it another time!

Omi: ….

Omi: (Touring, huh…)


Omi: —is what happened, so what do you think?

Sakyo: …it's doable.

Sakyo: It's possible to get to the theater by car this time around. We can save funds by doing that too.

Izumi: You're right. I agree.

Sakyo: So it's decided. As Fushimi suggested, this time we'll go by car and bike.

Azami: You’re just being stingy about the train tickets aren't you.

Sakyo: Aah?

Omi: Sorry. I know it's very selfish, but I want you to accompany me on this one.

Azami: Well, if Omi-san says so…

Banri: It can't be helped.

Taichi: Yay! A drive with everyone! I'm so excited!

Omi: …Juza.

Juza: Yeah?

Omi: The ex-Wolf members are coming to watch the performance this time.

Omi: Last time you said you would like to ride with them right? So what do you think?

Juza: …Yeah. I'm looking forward to it.

Omi: Sakyo-san, Juza and me will get there by bike.

Sakyo: I'm sure you get it, but follow all road safety rules out there.

Omi: I'll make sure the guys don't get too excited too.

Sakyo: The rest of us will go by car then.

Izumi: Yes! Please take care of us.

Izumi: Ah, Sakyo-san! If you get tired while driving, just say it, I'll replace you.

Sakyo: …yeah. If I get tired.

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