Saturday, November 2, 2019

SSR Omi Backstage MANKAI Encore Translation Part 2/3


Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Ryo

Taichi: Director-sensei… that's completely…

Izumi: Y-Yeah.

Izumi: (The line of Wolf members driving with us is so organized, it looks just like troops marching…)

Azami: It's basically a gang.

Banri: It is. Omi and Hyodo fit just perfectly in there too.

Sakyo: They're following all traffic laws so there's no problem right.

Izumi: You're not wrong, but it's so intense…

Izumi: (Not to mention before we departed--)


Ryo: Don't you dare dishonor the name of this Company you guys!

Ex-Wolf members: Yeah!!!


Taichi: That bit they did before departing was so scary….

Azami: It was super intense.

Izumi: But whenever they're coming to watch our performances, they always keep theater manners properly right.

Sakyo: That's true.

Taichi: And they also bring us lots of food!

Banri: They bring some good stuff.

Azami: Yeah, they've got a good sense for it surprisingly.

Izumi: It really conveys how they're cheering for us with all their strength, so I'm grateful for them.

Izumi: (Omi-kun is leading them, and he looks so happy while driving)

Izumi: (It's Omi-kun's chance to show his acting to all of his friends. I'll also do whatever I can to help!)


Wolf: "You wanna die?"

Izumi: (Omi-kun's Wolf has so much vigor right from the start…! I can tell how fired up he is)

Izumi: (It's an extra showing, but there're many people who see Omi-kun as Wolf for the first time today)

Zero: "You're not going to help me?"

Wolf: "I just did didn't I?"

Zero: "How exactly? You just dragged me along with your bike"

Wolf: "If I left you there, you would've died for sure. Good thing you were able to get up"

Zero: "You demon, devil! You can at least take me to the city!"

Wolf: "Why do I have to do something like that?"

Izumi: (The tempo of Wolf and Zero's banter is very good. Taichi-kun was affected by Omi-kun, and he seems to be in top condition)


John: "Hand this girl over to us"

Wolf: "Just take her. I've got nothing to do with this"

John: "I see. Die then"

*gun shot*

Wolf: "—"

John: "We cannot allow the existence of this girl to get known'"

*gun shot*

Wolf: "Damn it, then I'll be using her as hostage"

Izumi: (John and Wolf's action scene is also more lively than usual, their movements are excellent)

Dom: "She ran away? Hurry up and catch her. Otherwise it's the end of the world"

John: "I'll go after them right away"


Nine: "Don't get involved with the girl. It'll bring destruction. I won’t say anything bad about you, so just hand her over to them"

Wolf: "Too bad, but I hate taking orders from others, so much that it makes me wanna vomit"

Izumi: (Wolf refused Nine's advice. After hearing that, Nine tells Dom about their location"


Nine: "It's me, Nine"

Dom: "Nine? Oh right, that thing. What do you want now"

Nine: "I found the girl"

Dom: "You found her? I see, nice job. It's the first time you've been useful"


Izumi: (Zero went out for some shopping in town, and she thinks about buying something for Wolf)

Zero: "I'll give him a new one, and just throw his old cloak away. He's always so stinky"

Zero: "Which one should I choose… do you have any recommendations?"

Shopkeeper: "…this one arrived just this morning. It's popular so it'll be sold out in no time"

Zero: "I see. Then I want this one please!"

Shopkeeper: "…please come by again"

Izumi: (Pulled by Omi-kun, everyone's acting is so full of vigor…!)


Izumi: (Wolf went to save Zero after she was abducted while shopping, and he hears the truth about Zero from Dom)

Zero: "—I was created into existence"

Dom: "That's right, Zero. You will become the mother of this Earth"

Dom: "If the extinct plants grow again, this Earth can have back its ancient greenery. All the people suffering from hunger around the world can be saved"

Wolf: "Save this shitty world? Fuck off. This world isn't worth saving"

Zero: "It is. Because you're in this world Wolf"

Wolf: "Are you an idiot. I can't deal with you, just do whatever you want. Our contract is over"

Izumi: (Wolf leaves the experiment room after hearing Zero's words. However, later a sound of explosion echoes--)


Wolf: "You're a mess. If you sleep there, your lungs will fry and you'll die"

Zero: "Wolf…"

Wolf: "I hate people who wish to die, so much that I want to kill them with my own hands. I came to kill you"

Wolf: "Do you want to die"

Zero: "I want to live. I want to live with Wolf"

Wolf: "Then get up"

Zero: "…so you're not going to help me again"

Wolf: "If you hire me again it's a different story"

Zero: "I will hire you. I'll work you to death"

Wolf: "Bring it on"

Izumi: (The two of them are walking away inside the smoke, and the curtain goes down--)


Autumn Troupe: Thank you so much!



Ryo: Omi-san's Wolf is so awesome…!

Ex-Wolf member A: It was so good!

Ex-Wolf member B: Uuh… Omi-san…!

(I'm glad… seems like they had fun. The show was a great success!)

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