Saturday, August 4, 2018

Event All of Their 'Marry me!'s Translation Part 7/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9  / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Morino: The rehearsal is going well. The sun has started going down too, so it's time we proceed to the shooting.

Kawata: Yes! Everyone, we will be counting on you!

Izumi: (First is Tenma-kun's scene. Good luck guys…!)


Tenma: "Here, I'm going to propose to her. And this time for sure, I will move to the future with her"

Tenma: "…but speaking of which, she's late. It can't be she entered to the chapel by mistake right"

Tenma: "…I'll go to check"


Tsuzuru: "Why have things had come to this…"

Banri: "Damn…!"

Tenma: "…? What's going on?"

Guy: "Can it be, that you too?"

Tenma: "You too? What are you talking about?"

Omi: "Our brides. Our dear brides were kidnapped!"

Tenma: "Wha- kidnapped!? No way, it must be some kind of a mistake…"

Misumi: "How nice would it be if that was the case… but, it's not a mistake!"

Guy: "We all had cards from the criminal in our pockets"

Tenma: "No way, it can't be…"

Tenma: "--! In my chest pocket, a card…!"

Tenma: "It says, your bride is mine…? Don't play around! Who the hell did…!"

Homare: "Aaah, where art thou, my beloved! I wanted to make her a June bride and yet..!"

Morino: Yeah, they're very good.

Izumi: Thank you very much. All of them are our actors we're proud of.

Misumi: "Now that it came to this, it's already too late…"

Guy: "Yeah, I'm furious at myself for not being able to protect her. Surely she too, about someone like me…"

Tenma: "You idiots! Are you fine with giving up just like this!?"

Tenma: "You love her right!? Our brides, we're going to take them back with our own hands!"

Homare: "…!"

Tsuzuru: "Yes, you're right… That's right"

Banri: "It's just like you said, there's no way we're gonna give up. I'll take her back for sure!"

Omi: "Yeah, let's go!"


Tsuzuru: "Thank you, we were able to safely save our brides because you scolded us"

Tenma: "What are you talking about. It's because we all worked together right. It wasn't because of me alone"

Omi: "Yeah, I'm really happy… I even started to think I would never see her again"

Guy: "I will never let go of her hand again. Let us swear that we will make the person we love happy"

Misumi: "Yeah, me too!"

Banri: "But in any case, the criminal… he was your acquaintance right"

Tenma: "Yeah. In the end, I got all of you involved, sorry about that"

Omi: "What are you saying. It's not your fault. That man is the one at fault"

Omi: "He has already stolen your dear one before, and tried to force her to marry him right?"

Tenma: "Right. But I haven't thought Senpai would go this far…"

"I understand your sadness. But is it really the time to be depressed?"

Homare: "You must have some circumstances right. I thought you said you must propose before the sun sets"

Misumi: "Right! If you don't hurry, the sun will go down!"

Banri: "It's not the time to hesitate"

Guy: "She should be in the chapel. Hurry, go to her!"

Tenma: "Guys… thank you. I'll be going--!"


Guy: Wha….

Tenma: …!?

Izumi: (The sound of a breaking glass!?)

Izumi: (There wasn't anything like this in the script…! What in the world has…)

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