Monday, July 30, 2018

Event All of Their 'Marry me!'s Translation Part 4/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 /  Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9  / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Tenma: Kawata-san, did something happen?

Kawata: Ah, Sumeragi-kun! It's terrible…!

Kawata: The truth is, it seems like all the extra actors came down with high fever and now they can't make it…!

Izumi: Eeeh!?

Kawata: Seems like at the shooting yesterday, one of the grooms came to the set with a high fever.

Kawata: And looks like all the other groom actors got infected too.

Banri: That's some crazy infectivity skill…

Izumi: Are you feeling well Tenma-kun?

Tenma: I was at a different set yesterday so…

Kawata: The extra actors were together all the time from the waiting room until the shooting, so seems like they all got infected.

Kawata: Ah, what should we do. Even though Sumeragi-kun is fine…!

Staff: Even if we start looking for actors now, we might not make it until sunset…

Homare: It is simple is it not!

Tenma: Woah!? Alice-san, when did you…

Tsuzuru: I'm pretty sure he was admiring the chapel over there just a second ago…

Homare: I have heard of your trouble. About the extra actors, will it not be fine if we simply take their roles instead?

Omi: Eh?

Kawata: It is a bit sudden, but you are…

Tenma: They're from the theater I'm affiliated with.

Tenma: The lines to remember aren't that long too.

Tenma: For sure, rather than starting to look for new actors right now, asking them is a safe bet. I know their skills more than anyone.

Kawata: R-Really now!

Kawata: The sick actors are six in number… on top of the members of your theater being six too, they all will most likely look good in a tuxedo, it will look good in the drama…

Tenma: Also, they already have tuxedos prepared.

Guy: The size is just right for everyone.

Misumi: Yuki fitted it for us~!

Kawata: I-I will try to talk it over with the director! Please wait for a few moments!


Kawata: They all have tuxedos, and they're all theater members, Director Morino!

Morino: I see…

Guy: What about the shooting for the pamphlet?

Banri: No problem there. I called them earlier, and told them we'll come later than planned.

Tsuzuru: As expected from Banri, you work fast.

Morino: …if you go to this length, we shall first see their real abilities.

Misumi: Real abilities?

Morino: Even if Sumeragi-kun approves of it, it's still the important final episode of our drama.

Morino: Whether you have acting abilities fitting for it… I want you to show it to me in an etude.

Morino: How about something that has to do with "bridal" for the theme.

Izumi: How about it, guys?

Banri: If it's an etude, we've done millions of them. So no problem right.

Omi: You said it. For Tenma's sake too, let's give it our all.

Misumi: Yeah!

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