Sunday, July 29, 2018

Event All of Their 'Marry me!'s Translation Part 1/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9  / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Taichi: Ah, Guy-san! Guy-san you want to watch with us?

Guy: ? Watch what?

Izumi: The on-going TV drama where Tenma-kun is the leading role.

Taichi: It's a romance with a time slip twist! And even more important! Today Ten-chan is watching together with us!

Taichi: I call this event, Together with Lead Role – Sumeragi Tenma, A Special Gorgeous Premium Screening!

Tenma: Leaving aside the screening event thing, what's with this naming sense. It's way too long.

Tsuzuru: When Tenma is watching with us, we get to hear behind the scenes gossip so it's fun.

Guy: I see… indeed, seems like there is much to learn from it. I shall watch it with you.


Tenma: "This time for sure… I, will move to the future with her!"

Guy: Hm, so if he cannot propose before the sun sets, time will go back to before he met the girl.

Taichi: Ugh, the time slip happened already a few times just when things were going well, I'm starting to feel sorry for them…

Tsuzuru: Even though he was finally able to make the girl look at him, this time she's about to be taken by a different man… and the senpai on top of that.

Tsuzuru: It's a common trope and yet it hurts…

Omi: But in this rate, she will be forced to marry another man…

Tenma: "Wait--!!"

Taichi: Ohh! Ten-chan!

Homare: Oh, to enter the ceremony hall like that, job well done Tenma-kun!

Misumi: Tenma, so cool~!

Tsuzuru: So we get a to be continued here huh. They really stopped it in a good moment.

Misumi: Tenma, in the last episode, what is going to happen~?

Taichi: W-Wait, no spoilers 'kay!?

Tenma: In the filming for the last episode, I'm supposed to wear a tuxedo. With this the shootings for the drama are meant to end.

Taichi: Ah-!! Ten-chan, this is also a spoiler~!

Tenma: So this kind of detail is a spoiler too huh…

Omi: But well, I'm looking forward to see Tenma wearing a tuxedo.

Taichi: That's true but~…

Taichi: By the way it is said that wearing a wedding dress before getting married will cause a marriage at late age, but is it true for tuxedo too?

Izumi: I've never heard of it, I wonder if it's true.

Tenma: If it was true, all models would get married super late right.

Omi: Right, you have a point.

Kazunari: Good job y'all~!

Izumi: Ah, Kazunari-kun, Banri-kun. Welcome home.

Kazunari: Oh, don't we have just the right members here!?

Banri: We sure do. The rest depends on their plans right?

Kazunari: You got it~!

Misumi: Plans? For what~?

Kazunari: Listen here my boys, if you're free this weekend raise your hand please!

Guy: ?

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