Saturday, August 4, 2018

Event All of Their 'Marry me!'s Translation Part 5/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9  / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Homare: "Gentlemen, do you believe in the word fate?"

Tsuzuru: "Fate?"

Homare: "Indeed. This moment, I have strong emotions toward the meaning of this word"

Guy: "Did something happen?"

Homare: "Happened indeed! The truth is, yesterday I met with a certain woman"

Homare: "And so, the moment I saw her, I received a shock as thought lightening has struck me"

Homare: The next moment, I was kneeling in front of the girl, and I have proposed to her…"

Omi: "You mean you fell in love at first sight? That's amazing!?"

Banri: "Oi, is that for real? The truth is… I've also proposed to a certain person yesterday"

Misumi: "What did you say? T-The truth is that me too!"

Tsuzuru: "It must be a joke right? Yesterday I proposed to the person I like too…"

Omi: "So coincidences like this can happen too! Me too, yesterday I made up my mind and told about my feelings to a person I liked for a long time"

Guy: "I can't believe it. Such a thing…"

Tsuzuru: "Hey hey, the way you said it, can it be…"

Guy: "Yeah. Yesterday, I too have asked a certain person to marry me"

Homare: "What a coincidence! Yesterday was an extremely wonderful day! The goddess of love must have smiled upon us!"

Tsuzuru: "And, the answers you were given…?"

Banri: "I still haven’t got one"

Omi: "Me too, I'm waiting for an answer. This girl is refined and delicate see…"

Guy: "Is that so. My beloved one is also a very modest person"

Misumi: "Yours too? The person I love is also humble and kind…"

Banri: "Her smile is cute, she is good at cooking"

Tsuzuru: "But, she's persistent about the things she believes in, and she has a wise heart.

Homrare: "Hm? …what is going on, the girl you are describing is exactly the same as the girl I proposed to yesterday you know…?"

Banri: "Eh, i-it can't be… no, it's impossible…"

Misumi: "It's possible that only their personalities are similar….!"

Homare: "It cannot be helped… It is our last resort. We shall see a picture of this girl!"

Everyone: "Ah…"

Homare: "Who would have thought! As we suspected we all fell in love with the same person…!"

Omi: "It's a lie right!? What are we gonna do! We're six, but she's only one girl!"

Guy: "Even so, things can't stay this way"

Tsuzuru: "If that's the case, let's settle it right here right now"

Banri: "So the one who loses here will have to give up on her. …bring it on"

Homare: "All of you are friends I am fond of. To think we will have to fight…"

Homare: "But, precisely because both our love and friendship are real, I shall not hold back! We will fight with all we have…!"

Omi: "Hm? W-Wait! You hear a phone ringing?"

Misumi: "You're right. Can it be, all of our phones are ringing?"

Guy: "It's from her!"

Tsuzuru: "The message is…"

Everyone: "I'm sorry…?"

Banri: "Don't tell me that all of us…"

Misumi: "We were turned down…?"

Everyone: "It can't be~~!"


Morino: Splendid! You passed! I would like you to perform for the extra roles!

Izumi: (I'm so glad…! Everyone's performance was so lively after all)

Kawata: Then we are going to get ready for the filming! We will prepare your scripts, so please wait for a moment!

Banri: Well then, in the meanwhile I'll be going to the staff for the pamphlet.

Banri: I contacted them, but it's better if we go and explain things to them right.

Izumi: Yeah, you're right.


Staff: You have just contacted us earlier, but thank you for coming all the way here!

Staff: We have plenty of times on our hands here, so it's alright.

Omi: That's great. Sorry for the inconvenience, but we'll be in your care.

Staff: I'm sorry to ask that, but instead—.

Staff: If it's okay, can we also include Sumeragi-kun in the shooting for the pamphlet and label it a collaboration with the drama?

Tenma: Yeah, I don’t mind. It's fine right, Igawa.

Igawa: Indeed, we have the tuxedo you used in the filming, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Igawa: Just in case, I will ask for the permission of the drama staff, but because the circumstances are such, I believe they will approve.

Staff: That's great! Thank you very much!

Misumi: Yay~ Tenma can be in the pictures for the pamphlet too~!

Tenma: Yeah. But before that, we've got the shooting for the drama.

Tenma: Learn your lines as fast as you can.

Guy: Roger.

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