Saturday, August 4, 2018

Event All of Their 'Marry me!'s Translation Part 6/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9  / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Banri: Awright, something like this I guess.

Izumi: Woah, it really suits you guys!

Misumi: Really~? Yay~!

Homare: Ha Ha Ha. There is no way it would not fit me!

Tsuzuru: Tuxedo huh… it feels embarrassing in a different way from the costumes…

Omi: Right. Since there aren't many chances to dress this way.

Guy: Hm, it is easy to move with. Seems like the fabric is a fine one.

Banri: Well I mean, it's a tuxedo from a well known shop see.

Misumi: The size is perfect too~. As expected from Yuki~.

Kawata: Then I'm going to explain the scene we're going to shoot.

Kawata: We're going to shoot everything up to the scene where Sumeragi-kun's character proposes in one go before the sun sets.

Kawata: Since if the sun sets, it would look like Sumeragi-kun's character has gone through a time slip again even though it's the last episode…

Omi: If that was to happen the drama itself would not end.

Kawata: Everyone, we are counting on you!

Guy: Looks like the responsibility is heavy.

Tsuzuru: Aah, it's making me nervous… anyway I have to make sure I'm not slowing everyone down…

Tenma: It's alright, we're going to do a rehearsal once, and I'm here to help you.

Izumi: Yup, if it's you guys it's going to be fine. Think of it as the same as what we're always doing, and do your best!

Kawata: We are going to start with the rehearsal for the scene outside, so we will be moving!


Homare: Oh my? Seems like there is a park on the other side of the chapel.

Guy: It is a wide park. There are also many people, it is very lively.

Misumi: Look look~, they're playing baseball over there~.

Tenma: Baseball huh. Reminds me of the previous Summer Troupe performance.

Homare: Hm, the spacious skies, the feeling of tuxedo covering the body, the fresh wind…

Homare: Various things are stimulating my inspiration… It feels like the shooting is going to give birth to a fine poem.

Homare: There is no doubt that the reason the poem that is stuck in my throat would not come out, is for this moment alone!

Tsuzuru: Arisugawa-san, your tension is rising…

Banri: That's good and all, but no writing poems in the middle of the shooting okay.

Homare: Hm, but inspiration simply starts flowing endlessly out of the blue.

Kawata: Then we are starting the rehearsal! Arisugawa-san, and Settsu-san please come over here!

Banri: Alriiight. Well then, let's do this.

Homare: Yes, it's the finale of Tenma-kun's precious drama. Let us work together and make it into a wonderful thing.

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