Friday, August 24, 2018

SSR Omi Backstage Sunset Bayside Translation Part 1/3

Port City Meeting for Two

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Izumi: Alright, I'm done with work for now, guess I'll take a little break.

TV: "Today we're featuring the "Side Project ★ Asian Spice Market" that opens this Saturday!"

Izumi: --! An Asian spice market?

TV: "Spice specialists who came to Japan from India are opening it for a limited period!"

TV: "You might be able to get here spices that are hard to get in Japan!"

Izumi: I have to go…

Omi: I'm home.

Izumi: Ah, Omi-kun, welcome home.

Omi: Hm? Somehow it looks like you're in a good mood Director.

Izumi: Ahaha, you can tell?

Omi: This program… heh, a report about spices huh.

Izumi: That's right. They happened to show the Asian Spice Market, and I thought that I would like to go.

Omi: I see. Director is using all kinds of spices for the curry after all.

Izumi: Spices are really deep you see…

TV: "It is being held here. Those of you who have free time, how about you come and visit?"

Omi: It's a bit far from here.

Izumi: Ah, you're right. But it's fine, I'll go there by car when I go shopping.

Omi: ….

Omi: Director, when are you planning to go there?

Izumi: They said it is starting this Saturday, so I thought I'll just go on the opening day.

Omi: Saturday huh… then want to go with my bike?

Izumi: Eh!? No, that would make me feel bad!

Omi: I'm free on Saturday, and if I don't use my bike regularly the engine will have troubles.

Omi: And if it's about spices I'm interested too.

Omi: Because Chikage-san likes spicy cooking, recently I started researching spices myself.

Izumi: I see… but… is it really okay?

Omi: Of course.

Izumi: Thank you. Then I think I'll take you up on that.


Izumi: (Tomorrow is finally Spice Market day)

Izumi: (But… I still feel a bit bad for making Omi-kun tag along with me…)

Izumi: (Omi-kun did say that he is interested in the spices and that he doesn't mind but…)

Izumi: …I know. Maybe there's a place nearby Omi-kun will enjoy too.

Izumi: Let's see, search for places near the market…

Izumi: …! A footbath spot everyone can use for free…

Izumi: (If it's a footbath, it would become a nice break, and might remove some of the exhaustion of our daily lives)

Izumi: (Omi-kun always helps with shopping and cooking too… alright, I'll try suggesting it tomorrow!)

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