
Sunday, August 5, 2018

Event All of Their 'Marry me!'s Translation Part 9/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9  / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Staff: Good job on your filming for the drama!

Izumi: Sorry you had to wait for us for so long. We'll be in your care.

Staff: Then first we would like to take single shots of every one of you, and then also in groups of 2-3 people!

Guy: Understood.

Banri: Then, let's do it one by one.


Tenma: Like this I guess.

Staff: Very nice~! For the next one, can you look here please!

Omi: As expected, Tenma is used to it.

Tsuzuru: Those would make pretty photos~.

Guy-san, don't just stand, you have to strike a pose..

Guy: Hm, I see…

Misumi: Guy~, smiley~!

Guy: Suddenly? Should I make a surprised face? Maybe like this.

Tsuzuru: No no a surprised face isn't going to work. Not suddenly, smiley! A smile!

Er, is it fine like this?

Banri: Oh, Omi has nice vibes going for him too. He has a big build so it has a charm.

Homare: He is always the one taking photos, but being the one his photos are taken fits him as well does it not?

Tsuzuru: U-Um, what should I do, with my hands and stuff…?

Tenma: Tsuzuru-san you're too tense. First you should take a deep breath.

Tsuzuru: G-Got it. Fu…

Omi: Haha, this shy feeling Tsuzuru gives, it's like a fresh groom so it's nice isn’t it?

Homare: Well now, do not hesitate to shoot today's MVP to your heart's content!

Homare: Is the lighting enough? Do we need more flowers?

Alice-san is just like always.

Banri: This over-action of his looks good in pictures. It's perfect for a pamphlet.

Misumi: Triangle~!

Tenma: Oi Misumi, don't move around too much!

Guy: His pictures will become very lively ones. These kind of models are rare so it might be good.

Banri: Will it be better if I stand here?

Staff: Right! Yes, perfect! I'm going to take another one!

Misumi: Woah Banri, so cool…!

Tsuzuru: It's already on the level of a real model.

Homare: Indeed, it is fitting for a cover of a magazine.

Staff: Thank you so much! Then next we're taking the group pictures~!

Tenma: Tsuzuru-san, can you turn a bit to that side, and make it like we're standing back to back?

Tsuzuru: Yeah, like this?

Tenma: Nice. And, Misumi you're here. About your hands, right, try to stretch them toward the camera.

Misumi: Okaaay!

Staff: Ooh, very nice~! It's refreshing~!

Omi: We're tall, so let's try taking one where one of us sits.

Guy: Yeah. Then I will stand here.

Staff: It's the best! You're giving a really mature feeling~!

Homare: That pair is very adult-like.

Tenma: You can actually feel the manliness. I also want to train more, and give this kind of aura.

Staff: Then lastly, Arisugawa-san and Settsu-san, it's your turn!

Banri: Yeaah.

Homare: A ring on a finger, humming a happy song, I will swear to you never endingly!

Banri: Homare-san, ever since you came up with a poem in the drama shooting, you've been in top condition.

Homare: Indeed, the inspiration would not stop flowing! I want this passion to reach to every corner of the Earth…!

Homare: That shine is like a pearl's, gazing at love, the lovely you is floral…


Homare: The spinning crawl miracle bridal of happiness!


Banri: Haha! Homare-san, this phrase just now was unfair! What the hell is spinning crawl miracle bridal!?

Homare: My rhythmical and wonderful passion, has reached you too Banri-kun?

Banri: Hahaha!

Staff: Those natural expressions are nice too~!

Staff: --alright, it's all OK! With this the shooting is over! Good job!

Homare: Yes, good job!

Banri: Good job!

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