
Sunday, August 5, 2018

Event All of Their 'Marry me!'s Translation Part 8/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9  / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Tenma: "The glass…"

Kawata: T-The glass window has shattered!? What should we do, Director Morino…!

Morino: Damn it… it can't be helped, we have to stop the filming--.

Homare: "AHAHAHA!"


Banri: ""H-Hey? What's up with you suddenly?"

Homare: "No, please excuse me. It seems like my feelings of blessing have over flown, that even the glass has shattered!"

Banri: "Huh!?"

Banri: "I don't really get you but… but somehow I feel it's possible if it's you"

Homare: "Now, you shall hear it! My poem of blessing!"

Homare: "A pure white veil, a rosy smile, a glittering, softly ringing wedding bell…"

Homare: "Now feel my love! My angel! My June bride!"

Tenma: "…!"

Izumi: (H-He did say that a poem has been stuck in his throat, but he's saying it now!?)

Guy: "Right, you say it too"

Misumi: "Go for it!"

Omi: "Go!"

Tenma: "Yeah…! …hear them, my feelings!"


Morino: Cut!!

Tsuzuru: Huh… we did it somehow, right…?

Omi: At the end we lost ourselves in the performance though…

Morino: [clapping] Bravo!!

Banri: …!

It was the best final episode! Thank you!! To think it would become something so moving!

Tenma: Huh, it went well.

I'm happy~!

Izumi: Guys, you did a really good job!

Kawata: I checked about the glass. Seems like the ball of the children who played baseball in the park, has unfortunately broken it…

Kawata: They are truly reflecting on their actions. It's a good thing no one was hurt.

Tenma: Will the window of the chapel be alright?

Kawata: Luckily, it's no problem to repair it.

Guy: That's good to hear.

Tsuzuru: Yeah, I'm feeling so light right now…!

Morino: In any case, Arisugawa-kun! Thanks to you we were saved! Thank you!

Homare: Hahaha, something like that is not even worthy to be called an accident to me.

Banri: Though I thought you went crazy or something when you suddenly started laughing.

Tenma: You too Banri-san, it was a great help that you were able to follow right away.

Banri: Well, that much is nothing. Homare-san continued it for us, so I've just followed him.

Omi: Today's MVP is Homare-san.

Misumi: Alice, amazing!

Guy: Good for you, Arisugawa.

Homare: Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Staff: Excuse me… the truth is I've been wondering about it for a while now, but can it be that you're the poet Arisugawa Homare-sensei?

Homare: Hm? Yes indeed!

Staff: I knew it! Woah, I'm a huge fan! Your poem earlier was wonderful, I was so moved…!

Homare: My my, so a fan of mine was here too!

Tsuzuru: …there're many Arisugawa-san fans, surprisingly.

Guy: …depending on the person, there must be something one feels.

Izumi: Anyway I'm happy the filming for the drama has ended safely. We finished one task.

Tenma: Right. Guys, you really were a great help. Thanks.

Misumi: You're welcome~.

Banri: But, it's not the end yet. Next we're going to the shooting for the pamphlet.

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