Sunday, January 7, 2018

Event Everyone's Old Year, New Year Translation Part 7/11

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Others: Aaron

Citron: Ooh, there're so many candies for New Year too.

Citron: I know these. They're for New Year tarts right. They're given every year right?

Omi: It's "New Year cards" see. I'm going home on New Year's Eve so it's a bit different, but I thought I would buy some as gifts.

Citron: Those Japanese candies are cute!

Omi: Right… then, I'll buy this 20 pieces box. Also, those dorayaki too…

Citron: Ooh! You're buying a lot huh?

Omi: Yeah, us siblings are all boys, so if I don’t buy a large amount it would be over in seconds.

Citron: ....

Omi: …alright, I'm going to leave some at the dorms too, so let's take this big box. Excuse me, I want this one and--.


Employee: Thank very much.

Omi: My bad, I kept you waiting--.

Citron: ….

Omi: Is something wrong?

Citron: --It's nothing!

Is that so?

Citron: Everyone is waiting. Let's go!


Juza: I'll carry some too.

Omi: Then, I'll leave these bags here to you.


Izumi: That's some amazing amount.

Azuma: I'm glad I wasn’t on the ingredients team.

Izumi: I'm happy everyone came along. It would've been impossible with just Omi-kun and me.

Omi: Right.

Masumi: …it's so crowded.

Yuki: Right, even considering it's the end of the year, I feel like it's really crowded.

Citron: It's like a festival.

Azuma: Speaking of which, Manager said that the theater groups in Veludo Way are doing closing performances on the end of the year.

Omi: Heh… no matter what everything is about theater huh.

Izumi: So that's why, you can see people crowding here and there.

Aaron: You… you're MANKAI Company right?


Azuma: You are…

Yuki: Woah, a bothersome one has appeared…

Omi: Do you know him?

Izumi: Err, he's someone from the theater group we confronted in the Night Walk. If I remember the group was…

Yuki: Scapecow right?

Azuma: I believe his name was Maron.

Aaron: The name is Aaron Maxwell from the group Scarecrow!

Yuki: Ah, so that's what it was.

Azuma: So very sorry.

Aaron: Making fool of others as always…

Aaron: Kuku… well leave it. I must be grateful to the currents of this year that allowed me to meet my bitter enemies once again…

Aaron: I have perfected a secret art in order to crush you… I'll make you pay… for that time!

Izumi: Eh--!?

Announcer: Look what we have here! It seems that an etude battle is forming here too!

Omi: !?

Yuki: Where did this announcer come from…

Passerby A: What's going on?

Passerby B: Looks like an etude battle!

Aaron: Now, accept the challenge fair and square.

Izumi: Is it okay for it to begin in such a guerilla-like way…

Juza: We have no choice but to accept.

Citron: It's a crossing performance for us too!

Yuki: A closing performance.

Azuma: Well, it feels lively like a festival, so I want to enjoy it.

Aaron: If you aren't coming at us, then we will start!

Omi: --seems like we have no choice but to do it.

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