Friday, January 5, 2018

Event Everyone's Old Year, New Year Translation Part 6/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Characters appearing:

Citron: Then, let's start the Operation Manju meeting!

Yuki: Are we really going with this name?

Azuma: Well, anything will do for the name I guess.

Juza: It's a good name.

Yuki: You serious.

Citron: No, the important thing is what we're going to do.

Omi: When talking about hidden talents… something like tablecloth pulling comes to mind right?

Yuki: But isn't choosing it the easy way?

Juza: …how about tile breaking.

Azuma: You might be able to break them Juza, but seems like it'll be difficult for Masumi.

Yuki: What about fire juggling.

Citron: If we let our guard down the dorms would go Burning!

Omi: Sakyo-san will definitely put a stop to it.

Citron: I thought of something! How about sword swallowing!?

Azuma: Sounds even more dangerous than tile breaking.

Masumi: …all of those are rejected. It's for the sake of making Director fall in love with me, so think properly.

Omi: Hmm, indeed in terms of making one to look attractive they're all a bit lacking.

Yuki: Which means it must be something that will make everyone think you're cool.

Azuma: …how about you make your appearance different from usual?

Omi: A different appearance from usual?

Azuma: For example, showing your sex appeal.


Citron: Nice! It's cool~!

Yuki: Your attractiveness is just perfect.

Azuma: Yup, with this Director too will fall for you all over again.

Juza: …this, can we do it if we start training now?

Omi: It does seem tough considering the number of days we have but…

Masumi: I'll make it succeed for sure…

Yuki: It can't be helped, so I'll properly do the styling for you. But, if you fail in the main show I won't forgive you.

Juza: Got it.

Izumi: --ah, so you were here!

Masumi: --.

Izumi: Omi-kun, I've been looking for you.

Omi: For me?


Citron: Ooh! This is a Kumade, right!? And this is, a rope, right!?

Yuki: If you're gonna call it that, it's Shimenawa right.*

Azuma: When you see these all lined up, it really makes you feel like New Year is near.

We have to buy all kinds of New Year decorations right. All of you coming along is really helpful.

Izumi: I planned to ask Omi-kun to choose cooking ingredients, but when I thought about it I realized there were more things we needed.

Omi: Looks like it would be better if we split.

Izumi: I'll leave the ingredients to you Omi-kun.

Citron: I want to choose ingredients for the Osechi too!

Masumi: I'll come with you…

Izumi: Then, we'll choose New Year decorations.

Juza: 'kay.

Azuma: It's been a while since I last shopped for New Year like this. I'm looking forward to it.


I guess this much is fine. Including the share for the year-end party, it's going to become quite the amount of food.

Citron: I'm looking forward to eat it~!

Omi: Ah, right. There's another thing I want to buy, is that okay?

Citron: No objections!

*Kumade and Shimenawa are traditional New Year decorations.

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