Monday, January 8, 2018

Event Everyone's Old Year, New Year Translation Part 11/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9  / Part 10 / Epilogue


Characters appearing:

Others: Manager:

Tsuzuru: Then, I'm off.

Izumi: Have a good New Year!

Tsumugi: I'll bring gifts when I'm back

We're off.

Sakuya: Have a safe drive!

Muku: I wish you a good New Year.

Yuki: Then, see you next year.

Citron: Have a good New Year~!

Misumi: See you~.

Homare: Hisoka-kun, please be careful of eating too much mochi and getting them stuck in your throat.

Azuma: Fufu, mochi look like marshmallow after all.

Hisoka: …I'm not like you Alice.

Omi: Well then, have a good New Year.

Itaru: I'm leaving.

Sakyo: Don't let loose too much.

Izumi: You too Sakyo-san, go show respect to your mother.

Sakyo: I don't need you worrying about it.

Banri: Then, I'm off.

Juza: I'm leaving.

Taichi: Have a good New Year~.

Kazunari: I'll send a New Year greeting on LIME~.

Izumi: Have a safe trip~.


Tenma: Somehow, it immediately became empty here.

Izumi: Since everyone left one after the other.

Masumi: More should leave… being just with you is enough.

Tenma: As devoted as always huh.

Izumi: It's more fun to spend New Year's Eve with everyone right.

Hisoka: Zzz…

Tenma: Hisoka-san, he isn't planning to sleep through the Eve is he…

Sakuya: Speaking of which, Tenma-kun you have the New Year off right.

Tenma: Yeah. Rarely, that is. It might be the first time I spend New Year's Eve with that many people.

Misumi: We can take it slowly together~.

Tenma: Right.

Citron: Then, as I thought watching a special comedy programme is the thing to do on New Year's Eve right.

Azuma: As I thought you say, Prince, it's not the first time you spend New Year's Eve in this country?

Citron: The TV programs in this country, are being aired in my country too.

Sakuya: Is that so!

Tenma: We should do it New Year-like and watch a program about the 108 rings right.

Misumi: Tenma. You are like a grandpa~.

Citron: As expected from someone who likes bonsai!

Tenma: What…!?


Izumi: Guys, the New Year's Eve soba is ready.

Misumi: Yay~!

Sakuya: It looks delicious!

Citron: I'm glad it's not curry!

Izumi: New Year's Eve curry udon… it might be possible.

Tenma: No way! It has nothing to do with New Year.

Masumi: Eating soba on New Year's Eve together… it's married couple-like…

Thanks for the food.

Citron: I want to eat Omi's handmade Osechi already~.

Izumi: That's something to look forward to once the New Year is here.

Sakuya: He really piled food for us right.

Misumi: There was a triangle shaped carrot too~.

Tenma: C-Carrot…!? But Alice-san isn't here…

Manager: While we're at it I feel like eating Zoni too right~.

Izumi: Let's make lots of mochi tomorrow!

Masumi: I'll help.

Hisoka: Marshmallow…

Tenma: Their appearance is similar huh. But marshmallow doesn’t fit Zoni right.

Manager: Yukishiro-san will you have something to drink?

Azuma: Yup, I will. Prince you will have some too right?

Citron: Of coursey!

Izumi: I will have some too!

Manager: Then, I'll go and prepare it~.

Azuma: At any rate…

Masumi: …?

Azuma: You won't let go of this daruma right Masumi.

Misumi: It's Masumi's favorite~.

Masumi: The moment the New Year comes I'll pray together with Director, and fill in the daruma's eye.

Azuma: Fufu, you're really into it.


Izumi: Hm?

Sakuya: Ah, a LIME from Kazunari-san!

Tenma: "5 more minutes to the New Year" it says, does he have nothing better to do.

Misumi: One more minute!

Hisoka: Zzz…

Citron: Hisoka! Wake up!

Hisoka: Sleepy…

Izumi: Hey, Masumi-kun too--.

Masumi: Zz…

Sakuya: Masumi-kun fell asleep too…

Tenma: On top of it, he's still hugging the daruma…

Azuma: Looks like he's sleeping comfortably, so how about we let him sleep?

Hisoka: Then, me too…

Citron: Let's jump together the moment it's New Year!

Sakuya: Sounds good!

Izumi: That thing about not being on Earth when the year changes right!

Tenma: Ridiculous…

Izumi: There there, this is part of the fun of New Year's Eve!

Misumi: 5 seconds until the New Year~!

Sakuya: 4!

Citron: 3!

Tenma: 2?

Azuma: 1--.

Izumi: Happy New Year!!

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