Thursday, January 4, 2018

Event Everyone's Old Year, New Year Translation Part 2/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Characters appearing:


Others: Manager 

Tsumugi: As things look, about half of the members won't be in the dorms.

Sakuya: It's going to be a bit lonely…

Omi: We will be apart on New Year's Eve, so it might be nice if we all gather and hold a year end party.

Manager: Sounds good~! Then how about a year-end party sponsored by Matsukawa Isuke!?

Banri: You really came out of nowhere.

Sakyo: On top of it, why are you the sponsor.

Manager: After all concluding this year is my duty as the manager!

Itaru: Didn't know you had such an important position.

Banri: First time I hear of it.

Manager: So mean~!

Taichi: But, a year-end party, sounds awesome!

It sounds fun!

Azuma: Fufu, if that's the case maybe I'll open some valued sake.

Since it's an end of the year party, I would like to have some kind of a program too. Like a hidden talents tournament!

Hidden talents?

Itaru: Something like that tablecloth* thing huh.

Tsuzuru: That, isn't it something you do on the New Year and not on the end of it?

Sakuya: They show it every year on TV right.

Manager: There're going to be prizes for the winners too~!

Kazunari: Prizes!? Nice!

That makes you excited!

Citron: It's the comeback of Citron's manzai!

Tsuzuru: No no, manzai is not a hidden talent.

Juza: Settsu is gonna do belly-talk** huh.

Tsuzuru: Belly-talk? Banri really might be good at it, but that's not really a hidden talent--.

Juza: No, the one where you draw a face on your stomach.

Banri: When did I say I could do such a thing!?

Juza: So you can’t?

Banri: First of all I can definitely do it! But who is going to!

I don't have any specialty, I don't have even one skill, someone like me is going to be a hollow Renkon*** even on the end of the year…

Yuki: How about a puppet show?

Muku: A puppet show?

Yuki: You like those fairytale-like things right.

Muku: Right, it might be nice! I think I'll choose a story like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty, a story that has a princess and a prince.

Azuma: Looks like it's going be a cute puppet show.

Sakyo: …year-end party huh.

Taichi: Hey, Sakyo-nii, let's do it!

Well, it doesn’t sound too bad.

Kazunari: Yay! Permission from the Minister of Finance – get!

Omi: We have to make delicious food too.

Manager: Now that it's decided, let's get to the preparations-.

Sakyo: However.

Izumi: ?

Sakyo: You guys, there's something you have to do before you get all merry isn’t there?

*That trick where someone pulls a tablecloth from a table, without dropping the things on it.
**Tsuzuru refers to belly-talk where an actor can convey his feelings without talking or moving, while Juza literally refers to drawing a face on the belly and performing with it.
***Renkon = a lotus root, a dish used in Osechi. It's full of holes so I guess Muku refers to that. Interestingly, Banri often calls Juza Daikon = a radish, and also a ham actor.

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