Friday, January 5, 2018

Event Everyone's Old Year, New Year Translation Part 4/11

Part 1 /  Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Characters appearing:

Others: Manager

Sakyo: …a forbidden box?

Manager: Yes! It's MANKAI Company's forbidden box which is handed down from generation to generation!

Banri: You say it's handed down, but wasn't it just forgotten.

Tenma: It was just left untouched and no one cleaned it right.

Tsuzuru: Like something you can't bring yourself to throw away.

Itaru: So it's trash.

Manager: You're wrong! It's been treasured all this time!

Izumi: In this fallen apart cardboard box…?

Citron: It's all wrapped with gum tape!

Omi: Indeed, it does look like it's been sealed firmly…

Manager: I have never seen its contents either, but it's most likely something of great worth!

Tenma: It's probably just junk right.

Taichi: You can never know! There might be 100 golden coins inside!

Omi: Its weight really was something.

Manager: See!

Hisoka: Marshmallows…

Homare: If that was the case, they are surely long ago rotten.

Sakuya: Something like a treasure of past company members?

Kazunari: There might be some theater related premium items inside!

Yuki: If that's the case, we'll make lots of money if we sell it.

If it's theater related, I'm interested.

Tsumugi: If it's something like old videos that will be interesting.

Izumi: Let's open it!

Misumi: Maybe there're triangles inside! So exciting!

Kazunari: Super exciting~!

It sure does make you nervous… T-Then, let's get to it--!

Azuma: Say, if we're going to open it, how about making it the prize for that hidden talents tournament?

Ah! It really might make things more exciting when opening the prizes!

Misumi: Sounds fun~!

I see! So there was this method~!

Yuki: So in the end, everyone is going to participate in the hidden talents thing?

Manager: About that, the number of applicants doesn't look promising… I'm still in the middle of accepting entries!

Taichi: Here! I'll participate!

Mananger: R-Really!? Thank you so much!

Kazunari: I'm also interested in the treasure, so I'll participate!

Misumi: I'm going to get the triangles too~!

Citron: I also want to participate!

Manager: I'm so glad… As things looked I thought there was no choice but doing my one man show for a whole hour…

Izumi: I would like to avoid that…

Banri: It can't be helped, so I'll just participate with whatever too.

Manager: I know! Let's add kamekichi manju as an extra prize!

Juza: --!

Sakyo: Those things…

Omi: That's a little…

Itaru: Won't it actually decrease the number of participants.

Manager: Eeeh!? D-Don't say that--!

Homare: Well, sounds entertaining. Let us participate too. Hisoka-kun.

Hisoka: …how about you do it yourself Alice.

Homare: Let us make marshmallow an extra prize!

Hisoka: …if it's high grade marshmallow I'll do it.

Homare: So you started to be picky too at last.

Sakyo: Good grief. Everyone is getting greedy for the prizes.

Izumi: But, somehow looks like things are going to get fun!



Yuki: Azu-nee, are you going to take a bath now?

Azuma: You too Yuki? Let's get in together.

Yuki: Yup.

Azuma: My body feels dusty from the cleanup today, so I want to hurry up and enter.

Yuki: Same here.

Azuma: I bet there are many who think the same. I wonder if the bath is going to be packed.

Yuki: Everyone is still getting all fired up discussing the hidden talents show so I think it's alright.

Azuma: Seems like our timing is just great.

Yuki: Azu-nee you're not going to participate in the show?

Azuma: No way. I don't have any special skill of that kind.

Yuki: You're one to talk… you should just do traditional dancing.

Azuma: Then want to pair and do it together?

Yuki: I'll pass.


Azuma: Oya, is Masumi going to take a bath too.

Masumi: Hidden talent… making Director fall for me…

Yuki: …walking while muttering to himself, that's creepy.

Azuma: Fufu, I wonder if Masumi is going to participate?

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