Saturday, January 13, 2018

N Juza Backstage Ouka Public High School Translation

Communication Skills Improvement Committee

 Characters appearing:

Sakuya: Director, have you seen the stapler?

Izumi: Ah, I think Juza-kun has taken it earlier.

Juza: Aah?

Sakuya: U-Um, Juza-kun…


Sakuya: Eep, I'm sorry!

Kazunari: Nothing less from Hyodol, a real deal of a delinquent!

Misumi: So intense!

Citron: This is the famous "death glare", a delinquent's special skill.

Juza: ….

Izumi: Hey, you 3 stay quiet.

Kazunari: 'cause I mean, Director-chan, Sakusakua is all scared thanks to Hyodol's eyes see.

Juza: …my bad. That's the way my eyes are. 's not like I was glaring at you.

Sakuya: Ah… I-I see!

That's good then!

Juza: …and, what did you need?

Um, I want you to lend me the stapler…

Juza: Aah, I have it with me here.

Thank you very much!

Sakuya: Ah, on top of it, you refilled the staples!

…don't go and look there.

I-I'm sorry.

Sakuya: But, the fact that you're able to consider such things, is amazing.

Juza: …..

Izumi: --somehow, looking at you 2 makes me feel all calm.

Citron: …Sakuya, you're friendly with Juza. Unfair.

Misumi: Juza! Me too me too~!

Juza: Aah?

Sakuya: Eep…!

Citron: This sca~ry face, is no good.

You should laugh! Smile!

Misumi: Juza's eyes, they're triangles~!

Kazunari: I know, let's take a pic together!

I'll upload it to Instagram see~.

Izumi: (A picture huh… it might be good for becoming friendlier!)

Izumi: Yeah. Since we're at it, let's take a picture as a souvenir!

Juza: Huh? I'm not--.

Kazunari: No need to hold back!

Kazunari: Here, Sakusaku and Director-chan get closer!

Izumi: Juza-kun, come here!

Juza: --!

Kazunari: Now that we're all squeezing Hyodol like this~ Peace!


Juza: ………

Misumi: Kazu, give me this picture!

Misumi: I'll make it into a triangle~!

Sakuya: Ah, I want it too!

Me too.

Citron: It's a nice memory, with rare members!

Izumi: Right! Kazunari-kun, send it to me too.

Kazunari: Alrighty.

Kazunari: Ah, Hyodol you want it too right?

Juza: ………'kay.

Izumi: (They were able to become friendlier… probably?)

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