Thursday, January 4, 2018

Event Everyone's Old Year, New Year Translation Part 1/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Characters appearing:


Sakuya: Zzz…




"Up next is the weather. What do we have for New Year, Hayashida-san?"

Taichi: It's already New Year huh~.

Izumi: This year really flew by.

It's evidence you grew older. From now on the years will pass even faster for you.

Izumi: Ugh…

Banri: For Sakyo-san one year is like what a month feels to us right.

Sakyo: I'm looking forward to ten years from now.

Taichi: The fact he doesn’t deny that is scary…!

Sakuya: But, this year felt even faster than always. It's because we devoted ourselves to theater in MANKAI Company.

Omi: Indeed, we did improve.

Izumi: Guys, how long is your winter break?

Sakuya: Until the 9th.

Taichi: Same here.

Banri: Saying that, third years don’t have classes starting January.

Izumi: It's the final push for those of you who take entrance exams right.

Banri: 's a piece of cake.

Juza: ……yeah.

Taichi: Juza-san, you look so gloomy!

Tsuzuru: We also have to start getting ready for going back home soon.

Izumi: I see. There're many people who go back home on New Year huh.

Taichi: I can also finally play with my younger sister~!

Kazunari: It's been a while for me too so I can't wait~.

Tsuzuru: What are you going to do Director?

Izumi: I plan to stay in the dorms. Seems like other people are staying too.

Taichi: Tasuku-san, Tsumugi-san and you are neighbors right?

Tasuku: Yeah. We plan to go back home together by car.

Tsumugi: Though I am a bit worried, about the roads being crowded.

Tsuzuru: What about you Itaru-san?

Itaru: I also have to show up at home at least for New Year… Or my sister is gonna beat me.

Banri: Heh~, your big sister is strict huh.

Itaru: Since she told me "As an adult at least show the minimum of gratitude to your family you introvert".

Izumi: She's harsher than I thought…!

Omi: Speaking of which, Citron you aren't going back to your country?

Citron: Right…

Citron: The fuel surcharge for New Year is high!

Tsuzuru: That's a sound argument surprisingly.

Izumi: Muku-kun and Juza-kun are you two going to meet together with both your families?

Muku: Yes! Every year, we're going around our relatives' houses to exchange greetings. This year we're spending New Year's Eve at Ju-chan's place right?

Juza: That's what I heard.

I wonder if Tenma-kun and the others are going back home too.

Muku: Tenma-kun and Misumi-san said they're going to spend the New Year here.

Kazunari: Tenten said that this time he has the New Year off~.

He doesn't have other friends after all, doesn’t he just plan to laze around in the dorms. Looks like his parents are abroad as usual too.

I also plan to spend it here in the dorms. I think, Hisoka plans to do so too.

Sakyo: Heh. Since it's you Yukishiro, I thought you were going abroad on New Year.

Azuma: Until last year I often did that, but looks like I can take it slower and rest better here.

Izumi: What about Masumi-kun?

Tsuzuru: He said he will be staying. Well, since you're staying too Director it's inevitable.

Omi: I also haven't been back home in a while, so I plan to go. Sakyo-san you're going home too right?

Sakyo: Yeah. Since they're telling me to come back time and again. So all of Autumn Troupe will be going back home huh.

Citron: Both Omi and Tsuzuru won't be here… New Year is going to be Director's curry hell!

Izumi: So rude!

Omi: Haha. If that's the case I'll make Osechi* for you. Director probably wants to rest on New Year too.

Citron: Our savior!

Izumi: I feel a bit complicated about Citron's reactions, but I'm grateful for the Osechi.

Sakuya: Omi-san's Osechi, I'm looking forward to it!

*Osechi is a traditional New Year food. It is made beforehand, on New Year's eve, and is eaten the day after. There are specific dishes that make up the osechi, each has a different meaning/symbolism.

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