Wednesday, January 10, 2018

SR Omi Backstage Bloom AUTUMN Translation Part 1/2

Veludo Way Strolling! Omi ver.

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Is this alright for the budget of the next performance?

Sakyo: Yeah, it's reasonable.

Omi: Ah, there you are.

Izumi: Omi-kun. What happened?

Omi: I'm about to go shopping, so I thought I'll ask if you have something you need.

Izumi: Then I'll go with you too. We've just finished our discussion too.

Omi: Really? That would be a great help.

Omi: Sakyo-san do you have anything you want? If you want I'll buy it.

Sakyo: No, I'll go too.

Izumi: You too Sakyo-san?

Sakyo: I happen to have business outside too.

Omi: Then, once we're ready let's--.

Taichi: Eh!? Are you going somewhere!?

Sakyo: The noisy kid has come…

Izumi: We talked about going shopping right now.

Taichi: For real~!? I want to come with you too!

Omi: Yeah, I don’t mind.

Izumi: Of course. Let's go together.

Sakyo: …do whatever you want.

Taichi: Yay! Going out with everyone is going to be fun for sure!

Sakyo: Just so you know, we're not going in order to play around.

Tacihi: I know that! I'll properly help!


Omi: Alright, we bought everything we need.

Taichi: Uuh~… after going to so many places I became hungry~….

Izumi: Right, it's noon too.

Sakyo: Endure it until we get back to the dorms.

Taichi: Sakyo papa, you're so ruthless!

Sakyo: Who are you calling papa.

Taichi: Ah! That, look!

Izumi: …a hamburger shop?

Taichi: I wanted to eat there! The menu on the signboard, everything looks good right!

Omi: Heh, it's pretty varied.

Izumi: …now that I've looked at it I might have become hungry.

Taichi: Hey! It's fine right Sakyo-nii!

Sakyo: Geez… it can't be helped.


Taichi: I want the cheeseburger set!

I'll take that too.

Omi: Onion rings are recommended too… Sakyo-san what will you take?

Sakyo: …ice coffee.

Taichi: Eeeh!? We finally came here and you won't eat anything!?

Sakyo: I'm not that hungry see.

Taichi: Then, I'll buy large French fries and share with you! This way Sakyo-nii can eat too!

Izumi: Looks like there're curry-flavored fries too!

Sakyo: …do as you like.


Taichi: Ha~! It was delicious right!

Izumi: We really overstayed there.

Sakyo: How can you keep on talking on and on like that…

Izumi: Omi-kun too, you took lots of pictures right.

Omi: Yeah. The shop had a nice feel to it too. I was able to take lots of good pictures.

Taichi: We finished with the shopping, our bellies are full, now all that's left is going back!

Sakyo: Sorry, but I'm going to leave you here.

Izumi: I see. Sakyo-san, you said you had business right.

Sakyo: Yeah, I have to help with the Group.

Omi: My bad, the truth is I have a place I want to drop by too.

Taichi: Eeh? Is that so?

Izumi: Sorry, Taichi-kun! The truth is that me too, I want to go to a spices specialist store…

Sakyo: …curry again.

Omi: You don't waver.

Taichi: Seems like even if I tag along I'll be in the way…

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