Sunday, October 22, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 9/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Others: Haruto

Spectator A:
What is it?

Spectator B: They're starting an etude battle here!

…for real.

Omi: To think we would be challenged to an etude battle.

Puck: Hehe~, I won't let you escape, mummy bros!

Tsuzuru: It is a dangerous gamble, but we have no choice but to do our best.

Omi: Right. Alright, we're accepting this etude battle.

Puck: That's how it should be! Then, we will start!


Spectator: Kya, so cute~!

Puck: Hehe, thanks!

Omi: Heh… what a lively, fun looking acting.

Tsuzuru: They're tougher enemies than I thought. However, we can't lose either. Let's do it, Fushimi-san!


Omi: "—eh? You, did you change your bandages?"

Tsuzuru: "You can tell? It's a Vampire Brand new product. On top of it it's 100% cotton, it feels great on your skin"

Omi: "For real. I love this brand~. We wear it every day after all, we should be picky about it"

Tsuzuru: "Exactly! But there're many things other species don't understand about our pickiness for bandages you know"

Omi: "Right, hear me out here. Speaking of bandages, the other day when I ate tomato sauce, some sauce flew on me"

Tsuzuru: "Woah, that would definitely become a stain!"

Omi: "I got so panicked I used stain removal. Mummy's bandages are scarier when messy and dirty, but a tomato sauce stain is just no good right?"

Tsuzuru: "Ah, but it's tomato sauce, so if you insist on it being a blood stain, can’t you get around it?"

Spectator B: Ahaha! This is bad, it's so funny~!

Spectator C: On top of it, even though those mummies are so big they talk about things like that, this gap is hilarious!


Puck: Ugh, so frustrating! But your acting was really funny!

Next time we definitely won't lose, so remember it!

Tsuzuru: Huh-, I'm so happy we won….

Omi: We also have more than double the candies now. We're doing great.

???: Well well? The guys from puny company.

Omi: Hm?

Haruto: We meet again huh.

Tsuzuru: You are--.

Heh, you gathered more than I thought. But toooo bad. Those candies, I'm going to take them all.


Izumi: You collected so many candies!

Uuh…. it became a little heavy now.

Walking about with them is pretty much impossible.

Izumi: But that's proof the audience was happy with your acting so it's happy whining.

Izumi: I wonder how everyone else is doing. If I remember correctly, Tsuzuru-kun and Omi-kun were around here--.

Izumi: !!

Haruto: Ah, you're here too.

Taichi: Ah--.


Omi: I'm sorry… we didn’t stand a chance, with just the two of us.

Haruto: Ahaha, so sorry~. Just now I took all the candies they worked hard to gather.

Tasuku: You…

Haruto: Hmmm? Tasuku you were here too. I didn’t notice you at all.


Haruto: Hm? That costume--.

Haruto: Why is someone like you, wearing the magician costume? You're getting carried away you know.

Taichi: I, I….

Tasuku: Speaking of which you're a werewolf huh. So you couldn't become the top this year either.

Haruto: Haah? Are you picking a fight?

Tasuku: That's my line.

Izumi: W-Wait you two…!

I will take the candies you gathered too. Let's have an etude battle.

Tasuku: That's just what I want.

Izumi: Tasuku-san!?

Taichi: B-But the time limit is over soon. If we lose here, we can't recover you know!?

…we definitely won't lose.

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