Wednesday, October 4, 2017

SSR Juza Backstage Shoreline Sentiment Translation Part 2/3

Juza Participates!? Beach's Handsome Man Contest

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Host: Then, this year too this season has come~! "Japan's No.1 Handsome Man Who Looks Good in the Beach Contest" begins!!

Host: The rules are simple! The one who gets the greatest support from the audience in his appeal time will emerge as the winner!

Host: The support is your applause so we'll be counting on you! Participants should come forth when the number they received is called!

Host: Well then let's get it started! Number 1 to Number 30 come to the stage!

Juza: ….

Izumi: Juza-kun, what was your number again?

Juza: 15.

Izumi: Woah, it's already your turn! Go do your best!

Juza: But, what should I do for that appeal thing.

Izumi: Right. Ah, but when it's your turn you may get a theme.

Juza: … it can't be helped…

Izumi: Good luck!

Host: Now for the first appeal, let's start! The theme is~… freedom!



Host: The time limit is 30 seconds per person! "Free" yourselves! Show your appeal freely to your heart content!

Juza: F-Freely, even if you tell me that…


Host: Alright! Number 14, thank you very much!

Izumi: (Next is Juza-kun's turn. To think the theme would be freedom… I-Is it going to be alright…)

Host: Then Number 15, come forth! The time limit is 30 seconds! Start!


Host: …oh? Number 15 is doing nothing~?

Izumi: (A-As I thought…! What should I do, Juza-kun, he's all stiff and he's looking down on the audience with some glare…)

Juza: …..

!!! C-Can it be, that he has already started his appeal time!?

He's giving us a real intimidating look though!? How about it?

Juza: …..

Host: Ouch, he wouldn’t answer! However there's no mistaking about it!!

Host: Wonderful, how original! A true handsome man wouldn't show a flashy performance, that must be the answer Number 15 came up with!

Host: With this 30 seconds have passed…! The appeal time is over!

Spectator A: That guy, he had a different feel compared to the guys up till now, wasn't he awesome!?

Spectator B: I feel you! He was a bit frightening, but he looked tough and single minded he might actually be my type!

Izumi: (Amazing! Juza-kun is popular!)


Host: That's it, the qualifying round is over! Who was the best here, everyone show your support with applause!

Host: Then starting with Number 1--!


Host: Then, whoever thought Number 15 was good, applause!

Host: My! Such a great applause we haven't heard up to now! Isn't it Number 15's overwhelming victory!?

Host: Well~ his way of showing appeal was really original after all! You have anything to say before the next stage!?

Juza: …I'll just do what I can to the best of my ability

Izumi: (Amazing, Juza-kun! To think he would be able to pass the first round so easily!)

Spectator A: This is bad, isn't he really stoic!? His clumsy part is good too right!?

Spectator B:
Exactly that! He's really cool!

(On top of it, he's properly catching the girls' hearts…!)


Izumi: Juza-kun, good job! Congratulations for passing the qualifying round!

Juza: …yeah, I managed somehow.

Host: The ones to advance to the next stage, are the 10 who were chosen earlier! The numbers have really narrowed compared to the 1st stage~!

Host: The theme for the next stage is… tada! "Karaoke"!

Izumi: Karaoke…!

Host: It means that a man that the beach suits him, can sing too!

Juza: Sing, huh… singing in front of people is not in my character, but….

Izumi: How about you think about it the same way as acting. Also, if it's singing it'll be fine!

Izumi: Taichi-kun said "When we all went to karaoke, Juza-san was so good at singing I was surprised!" after all.

Izumi: Just a little bit more until the fatsi fruit juice ticket!

Juza: …'right.

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