Monday, October 16, 2017

N Omi Backstage Ginji The Wanderer Translation

Preparing for the Role [Yokota]

Characters appearing: 

Sakyo: Both Hyodo and Nanao are awful…

Taichi: It's fine isn’t it! It's my image of how nice it would be if there was a yakuza like that!

Banri: What are you planning to do by putting your desires into your acting.

Omi: Haha, certainly Juza's acting might be too retro.

Juza: …'kay .

Taichi: Then then! Omi-kun what image do you have in mind!?

Omi: Eh, me?

Juza: I'm curious.

Sakyo: Well Fushimi's image is probably a bit better then Nanao's and Hyodo's. Teach them how to do it.

Omi: Right--.


Ken: I'm hungry… hey, Kazama.

Kazama: You've just eaten sweets earlier too right.

Ken: There's no way my stomach can get full with just this.

Kojima: Leave it to me! I, have cooked cookies for the young boss!

Ken: Nice going Kojima. On top of it they're cat shaped cookies, I've changed my opinion about you.

Hehehe. To match the cookies, I've also prepared earl grey tea!

Motogi: Oi oi, wait Kojima. Isn't this black tea?

Kojima: Eh?

Motogi: You're slacking. The young boss' favorite is 3 spoons of sugar and milk. Remember it properly.

Kojima: S-So that's what it was! I apologize, for being poorly educated! I'll bring sugar and milk in 5 seconds.

Yokota: Yo, I'm coming in.

Kazama: What does a person from Kousei Group, want with us.

Yokota: Don't be so tense. Today I came here thinking I can enjoy my tea time.

Yokota: Here, I brought some sweets.

Motogi: …! T-Those are, Youkan from Azumadou…! They're the young boss' favorites, you, did you know!?

Yokota: Since last time, he shared with me my favorite vegetables. This much, is just being prepared.

Kazama: Huh, geez… if it gets known that the young boss of the Tatsuda Group loves sweets, we won't be able to keep our face.

Ken: Hahaha, I'm ashamed. But that's the only thing I can't do without.

Yokota: The daifuku we ate the other day was good too.

Ken: That, was a masterpiece. You ate them all excited too. You got powder around your mouth and I had a good laugh.

Motogi: That time, the young boss had a good face like a kid's.

Yokota: I know, next time let's go to eat dango in a tea house in the next town over. It's new but they have good stuff.

Kazama: Oh, sounds good. Young Boss, let's go with everyone.

Kojima: Young Boss, I brewed some Japanese tea too! Here, you too Aniki! Eat a bunch!


Sakyo: Wait, as if there's such domestic yakuza!


Banri: Don't be happy with it too!

Banri: More like, why are you acting all friendly even though you're playing the villain.

Izumi: You even made a promise to go eat sweets together.

Sakyo: Fushimi, to think that even you…

I'm sorry, I was joking. When I saw Sakyo-san, I thought there're yakuza like that too.

…it doesn't sound like a joke.

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