
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Event Run Around the Field Translation Part 5/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8  / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Others: Meguru

Tsuzuru: This is the last cup. 

Meguru: Okay. I've washed these ones here so wipe them. 

Tsuzuru: Got it. 

Meguru: By the way, I'm gonna leave home once I enroll to high school. 

Tsuzuru: Eh? 

Meguru: I got a recommendation. It's a private school from the countryside but every year its soccer club makes it to the national tournament. 

Meguru: You must live in the school dormitory though, so I'm leaving home. I've already told Dad and the others. 

Tsuzuru: …. 

Meguru: I won't be able to help around the house anymore, sorry about that. Big bro can't help either because he's always working, it must be tough for you. 

Tsuzuru: Not really… Kaoru is really dependable, so it's fine. He's more efficient than you two. 

Meguru: That hurt~. 

Meguru: I wonder if I'm going to talk like a country bumpkin once I go there~. But I heard the seafood and rice are delicious. 

Tsuzuru: (Why is he acting so carefree…) 

Tsuzuru: …why, of all places, are you going to an expensive place like a private school with a dorm system. You're aware of the situation here at home right. 

Meguru: Sorry… 

Meguru: But their coach has really taken a liking to me. He said he will definitely make me the best FW on the team--. 

Tsuzuru: Argh, that's enough already! 

Tsuzuru: You wipe the rest. 

Meguru: Got it. Until I leave, I'm gonna do your share of the housework as much as I can. 

Tsuzuru: …. 


Citron: So no 30K yen. 

Tsuzuru: So you were serious about taking a third. 

Izumi: Were you planning to give up on the prize from the beginning? 

Tasuku: Well we got a help from a pro, it's unfair. 

Spectator A: Minagi, please give me your sign! 

Spectator B: For me too! 

Spectator C: Please shake hands with me! 

Meguru: Hey, wait. One by one, wait for your turn! 

Taichi: Doesn't look like it's going to calm down anytime soon. 

Omi: Well he is a celebrity. 

Izumi: (The crowd keeps on growing. At this rate Meguru-san might get crushed…) 

Izumi: In this situation, we have to go with that. 

Azami: Eh? Go with what? 

Izumi: --Minagi Meguru autograph session is starting! 

Sakuya: Ah, I see! 

Izumi: Please stand in line! It’s dangerous so no pushing! 

Sakuya: I'll help too! 

Sakuya: The end of the line is here! 

Taichi: Please get your sign and handshake one at a turn! 

Tasuku: …guess we will help too. 

Tsuzuru: You're right. 

Grade schooler A: Mister Minagi, please teach me soccer! 

Grade schooler B: Ah, me too! Please teach me! 

Grade schooler C: Please teach me how to dribble! 

Meguru: How to dribble? Guess I have no choice. Once I'm done with the autographs. 

Grade schooler A: Yay! 

Grade schooler B: Woohoo! 

Tsuzuru: Are you for real. 

Omi: So there's a soccer class after the autograph session. 

Azami: We're the one who asked it from him, so we have to see it through. 

Tsuzuru: Geez, it can't be helped. 

Izumi: (Meguru-san really likes children) 


Tsuzuru: Huh, I'm tired… the post-match events were more tiring than the match itself. 

Meguru: Kids have endless stamina right. 

Meguru: But it was fun to play soccer with you after all this time. It was decided on a whim, but I had fun. 

Tsuzuru: Make sure to pay a visit at our parents' too. Also, your wife… she must be worried right. 

Meguru: Yeah, you're right. 

Meguru: When Tasuku-san asked me to help you guys I hesitated, but I'm glad I joined. 

Meguru: Like I was thinking, being a coach suits me. 

Tsuzuru: …huh? 


Omi: …. 

Omi: Tsuzuru, Meguru-san, I made some recovery smoothie--. 

Tsuzuru: I don't care anymore! 


Omi: Tsuzuru? 

Tsuzuru: --. 

Meguru: That's enough… I couldn’t keep my promise to you anyway. 

Omi: …. 


Omi: Is it okay to leave Meguru-san? 

Tsuzuru: Yes. I want to cool my head a little. 

Tsuzuru: Ah, thank you for the smoothie. 

Omi: No, it's fine… 

Tsuzuru: Since you came all the way here, I'll take some. 

Omi: …let's drink it over there.

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