
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Event Run Around the Field Translation Part 2/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8  / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:


Others: Meguru, Mizuno

Tsuzuru: ….

Tsuzuru: (Looks like I can also use this plot here. And also…)

Tsuzuru: --Ah. The press conference is today.

Tsuzuru: (I think it's starting at 7 o'clock. There's still time but…)

Tsuzuru: ….

(No, I'm too nervous about it so I can't concentrate, let's take a break for today)


Announcer: "The long awaited representative announcement starts 7 o'clock!"

Azami: They're stretching it too much.

Omi: This thrill is nice though.

Citron: It's soon time to sound the voodoo!

Tsuzuru: It's called a vuvuzela. And also, you play it only during a match.

Tasuku: So you too were curious about the announcement after all, Minagi.

Tsuzuru: Well, of course.

Banri: What's going on, a soccer club meeting?

Omi: Welcome home.

Citron: Welcome.

Tsuzuru: They're going to announce the Japanese representatives for the World Cup soon.

Banri: Ah, I see.

Banri: Ah, that's right. About the futsal tournament, I really do have different business on that day. I can't participate. Sorry.

Omi: So you really can't come.

Tasuku: I see, can't be helped.

Azami: Banri-san not coming is really a hard blow.

I can yelp!

Tsuzuru: Help. Citron-san, have you ever played soccer?

Citron: Of course! The kicking ball sports.

Omi: Yeah, that's it.

Azami: So he has actually played it.

Citron: Everyone in the team form a circle and keep kicking!

Tasuku: Righ-, wait, a circle…?

Tsuzuru: Are you talking about kemari*!?

Citron: I can participate in futsal tournament!

Azami: No, it's fine.

Omi: I'll teach you the rules some other time, so join our practice.

Tsuzuru: Banri can't come, so who can we ask?

Tasuku: Someone who has played soccer before, and might be good at it…

Omi: If it's athletic abilities, I think Juza would do. He's fast too.

Azami: If it's just running and shooting it might work, but I feel he would suck at passing.

Tsuzuru: True…

Banri: It's absolutely impossible for him.

Banri: What about Masumi? Guy-san also might able be to do it no problem. He has stamina too.

Tsuzuru: I don't think Masumi would act if it has nothing to do with Director.

Azami: Guy-san might work.

Citron: Chikage is skilled too.

Tasuku: That's true.

Tsuzuru: Though, I'm not sure he would put his heart into it…

Banri: I can't imagine him playing soccer genuinely.

Azami: What about Misumi-san, or Hisoka-san?

Tsuzuru: If we prepare lots of triangles and marshmallows it might work.

Tasuku: Compensation-wise, Guy-san is the best option.

Citron: I can't help but Guy can, I can't agree to that.

Omi: Oh right, if Citron has never played soccer, then Guy-san too…

Azami: It's possible he hasn't either.

Tsuzuru: Whoever we choose, there are cons and pros.

Tasuku: That's difficult.

Announcer: "The press conference is finally starting!"

Omi: Ah, it's starting.

Azami: On these occasions, won’t the members let their families know beforehand?

Tsuzuru: Seems like they can't since it's confidential. I think that this very moment my family also watches the TV at home.

Azami: Ohh.

Announcer: "Coach Blanco has entered the conference room!"

Citron: They're announcing it!

*Bzzt bzzt*

Tsuzuru: --.

Banri: Isn't it your phone?

Tsuzuru: It's an unknown number. Who can it be…

Tasuku: It keeps on ringing.

Tsuzuru: …I'll answer it.


Tsuzuru: --Hello.

???: "Hello, Tsuzuru?"

Tsuzuru: Eh? Big bro?

Meguru: "My bad. You couldn't see the number right. I'm calling from a public phone"

Tsuzuru: Huh? A public phone, why… rather, where are you calling from…

Meguru: "I think I'm somewhere close to the dorms, but I've been there only once so I got lost"

Tsuzuru: Close to the dorms, like close to our dorms!?

Meguru: "Right. I forgot my phone, good thing I remember your number"

Tsuzuru: No, that's not the problem here. Why at such an important time--.

Meguru: "I can see a building that looks like a post office, can you come pick me up?"

Tsuzuru: Like I was saying, why are you there in such an important time…

Citron: …Oh….

Azami: …no way…

Tasuku: ….That's unexpected…

Tsuzuru: --.

Meguru: "Tsuzuru?"

Got it. I'm coming right away.

Meguru: "…thanks"



Tsuzuru: Big bro…

Meguru: Sorry about that.

Tsuzuru: What are you doing…

Meguru: I wasn't chosen for the national team.

Tsuzuru: --.

Meguru: Hey, Tsuzuru, I…

Meguru: I'm thinking about quitting soccer.

Tsuzuru: Eh…


Mizuno: ….

Reporter: "Coach Blanco--!"

Chairman: "If you have a question please raise your hand"

Reporter: "Please tell us why Minagi, who was considered a prominent candidate, didn't make it—"

Interpreter: "Minagi is a player with the power to fight on the international stage. We've been struggling to decide, but after the training camp and the goodwill matches we chose another player"

Mizuno: Meguru-san…

*Kemari - ancient Japanese football.

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