
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Event All of Their 'Marry me!'s Translation Part 11/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9  / Part 10 / Epilogue

The Effect of Drama Shooting

Characters appearing:


Izumi: (Today is the day where the final episode of Tenma's drama airs…)

Tsuzuru: When we filmed it I got immersed in the filming, but seeing it on TV makes me nervous again…

Taichi: Ah, you guys came on screen! Amazing! It's your drama debut!

Misumi: You're right~! We are on the screen~!

Omi: Me appearing in a drama, is a mysterious feeling somehow.

Banri: But, we don't look awkward like I thought we would look?

Tenma: Right, you're saying the lines naturally, and you look photogenic.


Izumi: The scene where the glass got broken, is edited well too!

Guy: It doesn't look like we had unexpected troubles here. It looks like the scene was supposed to be this way from the beginning.

Banri: That's also thanks to Homare-san covering for us.

Taichi: Viewers who don’t know the circumstances, will never notice it! They would probably only think "those are some outstanding extras"!

Homare: Hm, my poem as well looks like part of the acting!


Taichi: Huh~! It was such a moving finale~! I'm happy Ten-chan's character was able to find happiness!

Tenma: It's thanks to all of you that the final episode could be aired safely.

Tenma: Back then when Alice-san said you would play the grooms, it was a huge help.

Homare: There is no need to thank me.

 In the beginning, you said you want it to be a good finale right Tenma-kun. I just wanted to give a hand to that wish of yours.

Kazunari: Y'all~! I kept you waiting! The pamphlet from the other day, it's ready!

Banri: Oh, so it's done.

Misumi: Woah, let me see let me see~!

Kazunari: Sure thing! You guys look awesome~!

Izumi: Woah, you're right. It has a really nice feel to it.

Tsuzuru: They used more photos than I thought.

Guy: So they were taking pictures from this angel too. I did not notice.

Omi: Guy-san, like I thought you have a good style so you look very photogenic.

Tenma: Alice-san, how to say it, you look showy even through photos.

Homare: Fufu, you think so too? You as well Tenma-kun, each expression of yours is wonderful.

This is gonna become reference for future grooms y'know!

Taichi: Ah, Ban-chan you're laughing here! It's a rare shot isn't it!

Banri: Ahh—that's Homare-san's fault.

Omi: But it's a very natural smile, it's a good photo.

Tsuzuru: Arisugawa-san and Banri pair is interesting too.

Misumi: Alice and Banri, looks like they're having fun~.

Izumi: …hm? Someone's phone is ringing isn't it?

Homare: Oya, please excuse me. It is mine.

Homare: …ooh! Look at that!

Guy: What happened?

Homare: It is a request for a new writing job! It is a commission to send poems to couples who are getting married!

Izumi: Can it be…

Guy: Because of the drama?

Tenma: It has just finished airing after all.

Homare: Wonderful! There is no doubt my poems of love will pierce through people's hear--.

Misumi: Eh, it's ringing again~?

Banri: More like hasn't it been ringing nonstop for a while now?

Homare: Ooh, they are coming one after the other… an uncountable number of commissions are coming my way!

Omi: Nothing less from a drama aired nationwide.

Tsuzuru: So Arisugawa-san got even more fans now…?

Misumi: Alice, you're popular~!

Homare: Ha Ha Ha, everyone is wishing for my artistic blessings of love.

Guy: Hm, the pamphlet is ready, the drama has been aired safely, and it seems like Arisugawa's poems are popular, that is good.

Homare: Now that it came to this, I shall start working right away!

Izumi: Eh, right now!? But it's already late…

Homare: My inspiration has been provoked and will not stop flowing! I want to write them down right away, the overflowing poems of blessing…!

Homare: Well then, I shall return to my room.

Taichi: Working at this hour is amazing~.

Tsuzuru: I do understand the feeling of wanting to write it down while you're inspired but…

Izumi: (Such vitality…!)

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