
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 6/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Characters appearing:

Tsuzuru: Phew… Should we finish here today.

Omi: Yeah, we worked hard today. I feel like we're in sync as a result from the practices and street acts.

Tsuzuru: Yes! There are many things to learn from pairing up with someone from a different Troupe.

Omi: Yeah. I'm also looking forward to see all the other pairs' performances.

Kazunari: Same~! I super wanna see the pair performance of Furuche-san and Ronron!

Tsuzuru: That pair really does make you curious…

Azuma: Fufu, I'm also looking forward to see their costumes.

Kazunari: Well then! Should we finish here too, Azu.

Azuma: Right. Let's go back to the lounge and get some drinks.

Taichi: Ah, Tasuku-san! I want to practice a little more but…

Tasuku: …got it.

Taichi: Thank you! Then, the next scene here--.

Kazunari: These two, they're still going to practice!?

Tsuzuru: You're right. Thinking of which, I think I saw them here this morning too.

Omi: Yeah… seems like Taichi too, he's doing self-practice before going to school. He left our room early today too.

Tsuzuru: Takato-san too, even though he didn't look so interested when we were first told we're participating in the Halloween contest--.

Now he's practicing really enthusiastically. I wonder if he was influenced by Taichi?

Azuma: Fufu, I wonder if those two are even thinking about something.



Omi: I made some tea. Taichi you want some?

Taichi: Wah, I do I do! Omi-kun, thank you!

Omi: This, you're helping Yuki right.

Taichi: Right! As I thought preparing 20 costumes is tough~.

Taichi: But Yuki-chan is so cool, designing and sewing one costume after the other! I have to do my best and help too!

Omi: I'll help too. Is it okay if I sew this one?

Taichi: Thank you! Omi-kun is good at sewing too, so it's really helpful!


Taichi: Let's see, here you do it like that…

Taichi: Yawns…

Omi: Taichi? Are you sleepy?

Taichi: I-I'm fine! I just felt like yawning!

Tacihi: Um, next is--.

Omi: …hey, Taichi.

Taichi: Hm?

Omi: Recently, haven't you been working too hard? You practiced since the morning today too right. Aren't you tired?

Taichi: Eh!? N-Not at all!

Omi: …can it be, that you have some kind of attachment to this contest?

Taichi: That's…

Omi: My bad, if you don't want to tell me you don’t really…

Taichi: Y-You're wrong, Omi-kun!

Taichi: The truth is--.

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