
Friday, October 20, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 7/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

…I said it before right. That up until now I've never participated in the Halloween contest.

Taichi: Just like the manager said, this contest is a really huge event and many people come to see it, so it's being observed closely by people related to the theatre.

Taichi: That's why GODza too, made popular actors participate every year.

Taichi: For GODza actors, this contest is a stage everyone longs for where only the chosen can perform.

Taichi: Every year, I failed the auditions and could never participate.

Taichi: On the other hand, Tasuku-san who was already the top of GODza, participated in the contest as a chosen member--.

He won, and performed on top of that stage. For me that Tasuku-san, was really something to yearn for.

Taichi: In GODza, the costume for the top actor among the chosen members is traditionally decided.

Taichi: That costume is, "A magician". Tasuku-san has always, wore the costume of a magician.

Omi: So that's why you said you wanted to wear a magician costume.

Yes… Though I was embbrassed and tried to hide it.

Also, there's another thing. In GODza there's also a fixed costume for the one who supports the top actor, or the second lead in terms of theatre performances.

…that costume, is a werewolf.

Omi: --!


Tasuku: …Nanao. What are you planning exactly.


Tasuku: Out of all the things, saying you want to wear that costume…

…for Tasuku-san, it might be a bitter memory… but for me, that costume was something I longed for.

The stage I couldn't stand on in my GODza days… I want to try standing on it, with that costume, I admired!

Tasuku: …!

Taichi: Even I know, that I'm being cocky.

Taichi: But… I'm different form the good for nothing me from the time I was in GODza.

Taichi: Because I think, that both my acting and feelings have changed after coming to Mankai Company…

Taichi: That's why, I--!

…I understand how you feel.

Taichi: Tasuku-san…?

I'll also get my resolve. I'll perform… a werewolf that would pair up with your magician.


Tasuku-san, has sympathized with my feelings.

Taichi: He said, that he would perform as a werewolf together with me. I don't want to hold him back so…

Taichi: I want to do my best, in order to wear the costume I admire, and stand on the stage I admire!

Omi: …I see.

Omi: If that's the case, I'll support you.

Taichi: Omi-kun…

However, don't overdo it.

Yeah! Thanks, Omi-kun!

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