
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 5/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Characters appearing:

Taichi: It looks so yummy!

Kazunari: It smells seriously too good, this is bad! Let's cut it already!

Izumi: I'm back~. Woah, what a nice smell!

Azuma: Welcome back, Director. You have a great timing.

Tsuzuru: Fushimi-san's pie is ready.

Izumi: Looks so good! There's so many too! What pie is it?

Omi: Pumpkin pie. The manager got a huge amount of pumpkins from somewhere.

Omi: Since Halloween is approaching I tried to bake some. Eat it while it's still hot.

Izumi: Thank you! Then I'll get to it!

Taichi: I'm digging in!

Azuma: Yup, it's delicious.

Kazunari: Hm-! This is the best!! Omimi, we're gonna open a bakery!

Izumi: For real, I think so too!

Omi: Haha, thank you.

Tasuku: I'm back.

Izumi: Ah, Tasuku-san, welcome back!

Omi: Tasuku-san eat some too if you like. It's a pumpkin pie.

Tasuku: …I'll take some.

Omi: I'll make some tea too.

Kazunari: Say say, did everyone decide what they're gonna wear for the contest~?

Taichi: ….

Tsuzuru: Well, pretty much.

Kazunari: Ooh, I'm curious about Tsuzurun's costume! What is it!?

Tsuzuru: I think the costume should be simple, so I thought about going with a mummy. I think that as a Halloween costume, it's the safest bet.

Omi: Me too, I settled on a mummy to match Tsuzuru. We're a pair after all.

Kazunari: 'sthat so!? You're matching then!

Azuma: They have the feel of a kindhearted pair of mummies, it's good isn't it. Somehow doesn't it fit as a theme for a movie?

Ahaha, you have a point.

Izumi: Taichi-kun you said you're going with a magician?

Taichi: Eh! Ah, y-yes!

Tasuku: ….

Tsuzuru: Yukishiro-san what will you wear?

I'm going with a demon. Kazu suggested it, and Yuki recommend it too.

Omi: Seems like it really will fit you.

Izumi: Azuma-san as a demon, it's going to be a really sexy demon.

Kazunari: Hey, and you Takusu~!?

Tasuku: It doesn't matter does it.

Kazunri: It's fine, it's fine~! Everyone will see it anyway on the day itself! I'm crazy curious!

Tasuku: ….huh. A werewolf.

Kazunri: For real!? I'm a werewolf too! To think we would be matching! We have to take a selfie okay!!

Azuma: Heh, so that's what it was.

Kazunari: Takusu as a werewolf, is going to be 100% cool! Should we compete with Omimi and Tsuzurun and form a pair!?

Taichi: Y-You can't!

Tsuzuru: Eh?

Taichi: Ah, err… I-If we change the pairs on our own accord Sakyo-nii will get angry!

Tsuzuru: Ah-, you're right…

Kazunari: Furuche-san getting angry is the only thing I can't take!

Taichi: Right! The other day too, he got so angry at me after I forgot to turn off the lights of the practice room--.

Tasuku: …huh.

Omi: ….

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