
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 4/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Characters appearing:

Sakyo: That's it for the meeting tonight. For the costumes, settle on them soon and tell Rurikawa.

Sakyo: Those who are late to submit them, will wear the punishment game costume for the Night Walk so keep it in mind.

Itaru: Memories I want to bury, that bunny ears pajamas huh… I wish you would spare me from that.

Izumi: It might be good if you go street acting as a pair and hold practices.

Sakuya: Yes! I'll do my best!

Izumi: Then, you're free for today. Good work.

Banri: Good work~.

Kazunari: A costume huh~ what should I wear~! I'm also super excited to see everyone's costumes!

Kazunari: Azu what costume are you going to choose? It's Halloween after all, so something spooky? Ah, something like a demon might be good too!

Azuma: Fufu, you think so? If it's a demon, it would fit Itaru too.

Itaru: Here you go involving me.

Muku: What costume should I choose.

Itaru: You see lots of animal costumes on Halloween and it would fit you, but Muku as a zombie would have a gap it might be nice.

Masumi: Say, what about you? What're you going to dress as?

Izumi: Eh? I'm not an actress, I don't plan to make a costume.

Masumi: No way. Make sure to make one. Sakyo said that everyone is participating.

Kazunri: Me too, I want to see Director-chan's costume~!

Muku: I-I want to see it too…!

Azauma: Fufu, if it's you Director any costume would look good on you.

Itaru: You can't be the only one to escape from wearing a costume.

Izumi: Even if you say that…

Tasuku: Huh… I'm going to wear a costume again huh…

Tsumugi: Ahaha, don’t be so reluctant…

Taichi: ….

Kazunari: Say say, Taicchan what are you planning to wear!?

Taichi: Eh!?

Kazunari: As I thought something that can't go wrong like a mummy? A wild werewolf sounds good too!

Taichi: ….

Omi: …Taichi?

Taichi: ….a magician.

Tasuku: --!

Taichi: J-Just kidding—.

Kazunari: That sounds super nice! Taicchan it would definitely fit you!

Izumi: Yeah, I can totally imagine you wearing a witch hat.

Taichi: T-That's good then!

Azuma: But that's a bit surprising. I thought Doggy-kun would want to wear a cooler costume.

Taichi: A-Aah-, I just thought that it's possible for me too to try and aim for popularity using the cuteness route, ahaha~.

Izumi: The word magician gives many different associations after all.

Tasuku: ….

Tsumugi: Tasuku? What's wrong?

Tasuku: No… it's nothing.



Taichi: This is bad! I became too engrossed in reading a magazine~!

Taichi: If I don't hurry up and take a bath, Sakyo-nii would get angry agai--.

Tasuku: …Nanao.

Taichi: T-Tasuku-san? Is something wrong?

Tasuku: ….

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