Friday, November 27, 2020

Event The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition Translation Part 4/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:


Taichi: Juza-san, do you have any stories to share?

Juza: It's a bit different from Taichi's story, but…

Juza: Me too, when I said I'm leaving home and moving into a dorm, Kumon strongly opposed to that.

Azami: Well, I can imagine.

Taichi: More like, I'm surprised you managed to leave.

Omi: How was it like when you were about to leave home?

Juza: Right…


Juza: (My luggage is pretty much ready. Next is…)

Kumon: …Big bro.

Juza: Kumon.

Kumon: ….

Kumon: You're really leaving, huh…

Kumon: Uuh… I won't be able to share sweets with you, and play catch with you anymore…

Kumon: I won't be able to wake you up in the morning and hear your refined snoring and see your cool sleepy face…

Kumon: And I also won't be able to eat with you and think "He's so cool even when he eats!"…

Kumon: You won't pet my head anymore, and won't take a bath with me…!

Juza: ….

Juza: It's not like we won't be seeing each other for eternity.

Kumon: Well, you're right but…

Juza: If something happens, just call me. I'll come back right away.

Kumon: Big bro…!

Kumon: I see… that's right. I'll see you off with a smile!

Juza: Yeah.

Kumon: But… but…

Kumon: After all, you leaving home, it’s just too lonely!!!

Kumon: I don’t want it!! Don’t go, big bro!!

Juza: …Huh.


Juza: After that just like Taichi, my parents helped me and I was somehow able to leave.

Taichi: It's like a long-distance relationship out of a TV series!

Banri: The brocon here is going too far.

Sakyo: I can picture Hyodo Junior saying all that.

Azami: I mean, he's the same even now.

Omi: Haha, you can really tell he likes Juza.

Juza: I couldn’t even imagine back then that Kumon would join the Company too…

Juza: I did feel guilty for leaving him behind like that and leaving home.

Juza: But…back then, I was focused on nothing but my will to do acting.

Sakyo: Unlike someone else.

Banri: …Shut up.

Juza: I was accepted to the Company, even when I had no acting experience. I won't forget this debt I owe, and keep devoting myself to acting.

Taichi: That's Juza-san for you! You say some good stuff~.

Banri: He's saying lame things like always.

Juza: Don’t wanna hear that from you.

Banri: Aah?

Juza: Aah?

Sakyo: Huh…

Azami: They really start quarreling right away.

Taichi: That's the default for Ban-can and Juza-san!

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