Friday, October 26, 2018

SR Masumi Trajectory of Blooming Backstage Translation Part 1/2

Sound Hiding Gift 

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

???: …ctor… Director… hey, Director--.

Izumi: (I can hear a voice, calling me from afar…)

???: Director--.

Izumi: Hm…?

Izumi: Eh… Masumi, kun….?

Masumi: …you woke up?

Masumi: Huh… your sleeping face is cute, but your face when getting up is cute too…

Izumi: Yeah, good morning… --wait, eh!?

Izumi: W-Why are you in my room Masumi-kun…!?

Masumi: You didn't wake up, so I came to check on you.

Izumi: Eh, what time is it?

Masumi: It's past 8AM.

Izumi: …you're right! It's past my waking up time! I forgot to set the alarm clock on my phone yesterday…!

Masumi: You forgot to lock your room too. What're you gonna do if someone other than me enters.

Izumi: I-I'm sorry.

Izumi: No, wait, it's problematic if you enter my room too Masumi-kun okay? I know it's my fault for forgetting to lock the door though…!

Masumi: It's okay if I enter. Anyway, be careful next time.

Izumi: Y-Yes… But you too Masumi-kun, you can't just enter suddenly like this. You startled me.

Izumi: Saying that, I'm supposed to go out today, so good thing you woke me up. Thank you.

Masumi: Sure. Then I'll help you change clothes too--.

Izumi: You don’t need to help me with that!


Izumi: Good morning.

Omi: Ah, Director. Morning.

Tsuzuru: Good morning. Breakfast is ready.

Izumi: Thank you!

Omi: That's great, Masumi woke you up after all.

Izumi: Eh?

Omi: Director, you said you're going out in the morning right. But you didn't wake up, so we were worried.

Tsuzuru: And then before we realized Masumi disappeared from the lounge, so we thought he must've gone to wake you up.

Izumi: That's right. I forgot to set my alarm and overslept.

Tsuzuru: I can totally relate to that.

Masumi: Then I'll wake you up every day.

Izumi: No no, I just happened to oversleep today, you don't have to do that!

Izumi: But to be honest, you waking me up today really saved me. Thank you, Masumi-kun.

Izumi: Waking up to a human voice and not a machine's is nice once in a while~.

Omi: Haha, you have a point.

Tsuzuru: You have a single room Director, so other people rarely wake you up.

Masumi: …..

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